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2011年1月31日 星期一

Kava: Nature's Answer to Stress, Anxiety, and Insomnia

Kava: Nature's Answer to Stress, Anxiety, and InsomniaWhat St. John's wort is for depression, kava is for everyday anxiety. Native to exotic locales including the South Pacific island of Vanuatu, kava is a ritual and medicinal herb that's been used for centuries. It may not taste fabulous, but it effectively relieves tension and anxiety without affecting one's alertness or mental capacities or resulting in addictions, unlike prescription drugs such as Valium. Written by Hyla Cass, M.D., a well-known alternative medicine consultant and assistant professor of psychiatry at UCLA, Kava: Nature's Answer to Stress, Anxiety, and Insomnia is an intelligent, engaging reference to this increasingly popular herb.

Cass clearly explains the herb's chemical composition without delving into turgid scientific mumbo jumbo, or relying on lifeless quotes from scientific papers. She also thoroughly covers the herb's various forms--tinctures, tablets, pastes, powdered extract, and sprays--and suggests appropriate dosages for various treatments (for insomnia, for instance, you'd take a larger dose than if you just wanted to calm yourself before a plane flight). Cass also covers herbs that can be used in combination with kava, including valerian, licorice, and Ginkgo biloba; suggested dietary changes to improve overall mood and health; possible side effects; and techniques for managing stress in the first place, so antianxiety treatments aren't as needed. For anyone who wants to know all about what they're putting into their body, this is a solid primer.

Price: $12.95

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What is Hypersomnia?

Insomnia is well known sleep disorder that is characterized by an inability to fall asleep and stay asleep. But have you Ever heard of sleep disorder known as Hypersomnia? Hypersomnia is a sleep disorder that many people don't know that. This disorder is marked by prolonged night episodes stores, as well as excessive daytime bed places. Unlike the average, normal daily nap, sleep Hypersomnia sometimes fall during the most inappropriate such as interviews with the people, while at work or during meals.

Hypersomnia is potentially dangerous, due to the fact that people fall asleep behind the wheel of a car or cooking. Also a similar condition, Narcolepsy, some of these people are falling asleep and wake up resumed to business such as conversation. Unlike the average persons daily NAPS shall not release the person Hypersomnia. As a result of these people will have increased difficulty staying alert with symptoms such as memory impairment, urojenia, slow thinking, slow speech, loss of appetite, increased fatigue, leisure, anxiety disorientation, and decreased energy. Some even lose the ability to function normally in familiar settings such as social, work and families.

Symptoms of Excessive drowsiness may be triggered by several factors, including sleep disorders such as sleep APNEA, restless legs syndrome, or Narcolepsy and the acute alcohol and/or drug abuse. Hypersomnia may also be brought by physical problems such as head trauma, tumors, or physical injury to the nervous system. Other physical ailments which can contribute to depression. hypoersomnia includes, obesity, encephalitis, Epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. Certain medicines or the withdrawal of certain medicines can also bring on symptoms. Genetic factors may play a role in certain factual reasons there is suffering in others. Hypersomnia usually is diagnosed when a person is in their adolescence or young adulthood.

If you think there are signs of hyposomnia, talk to your doctor diagnosis and proper treatment. The diagnosis of hyposomnia, your doctor will ask you some questions about the habits of the sleeping quarters and your symptoms. Also see if there are any changes in the major life or of other forms of stress emotional, it may mean any of the medicines that can be created, can lead to symptoms. Together with the questions your doctor may also order certain tests, such as blood tests, tests of sleep and scanning tomography (CT). Add itional elektroencefalogramu (EEG), which measures the electrical activity of the brain, also may be needed in some cases.

Hypersomnia treatment may involve a switch in medicines, if medicines are created is contributing to the symptoms. If your Hypersomnia is brought on by the of sleep APNEA, a device known as a continuous POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE, or provided to the user. This device helps protect your airways open by the continuous stream of air into the nostrils. POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE is a mask that you can use while you are sleeping. Other treatments include various Hypersomnia medicines such as stimulants, antidepressants and other drugs later, like Provigil and Xyrem.

Sleepiness interfere with their daily too normal daily activities? diagnosis of proper treatment and will fully work on the world of waking again.

For more useful information on the various sleep disorders in

Remedies for insomnia options help you get the sleep you need,

Insomnia remedies are valuable when help for the night. If while reading the article, is likely to have hard time getting the sleep you deserve. You can understand where they are coming from My spouse. had the same issues in the past, and I'm here to tell you that hopes. If you can learn where to find the best home remedies for insomnia, this will be effective insomnia problems. Let's go over some of the available solutions for insomnia treatment.

Visit to the Internet to search for the best sleep aid. You can detect a lot of information about the sleep aid, which are effective. All medicines have the effect of good and bad, but what is important is that your sleeping quarters dilemma is resolved. I would like to inform you of some of these related web pages to understand what activities are appropriate for you.

You must also visit the sleep specialist. I went to one alone seek Aid for my sleeping quarters condition. They diagnose disorder that occurs when I sleep. Is called the sleep APNEA. Snore and the lot, so they prescribed POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE computer, which I wear when I sleep at night. Sleep experts can analyze your insomnia level and give the right advice for the user of the disorder.

You might be uncomfortable seeing a sleep specialist. I felt the same way. If you are apprehensive about visiting a doctor, try over the counter medicines. You can even watch the medicines that offer free trials prior to making a significant investment. In my opinion they are insomnia power of the best on the market.

Get the best insomnia remedies here!

2011年1月30日 星期日

Do you Snore, but if you are not sure that you have APNEA? Check out 10 signs of Snoring & sleep APNEA

Conformance testing of Snoring as much annoying, with little thought about the root cause or what he may offer, especially when Snoring and sleep APNEA conjunction with each other. It is true, Snoring can be a very serious condition of supporting sleep APNEA, with ten important warning signs, which the health of the problem. Conditions would definitely stay there sleep APNEA actually can cause stop breathing during sleep, which could result in the fatalism or other serious consequences.

10 Important warning signs:

sleep APNEA is something that still is also incorrect. There are a Great many people suffering from the condition, however, only 2% to 4% of the cases will be diagnosed and treated correctly. There are several ways of treatment, but it is the first thing to ensure that the real problem is the APNEA Snoring, which can be very dangerous if left without attention.

voice and chronic would definitely stay there.If your partner sleeping is complaining about the very loud Snoring nearly every passage into sleep mode, the user may suffer Snoring and sleep APNEA together. This is the first indication that can be a serious issue that should be treated.
would definitely stay there is intermittent with pauses if you notice that your partner is Snoring loudly, then stops at a pause as often, releasing large amounts of air, after restarting the Snoring, it is the warning of the possible problem.
Excessive daytime sleepiness if the recommended 8 hours sleep every night, but still find yourself very sleepy during the day, you may be suffering from APNEA Snoring. This may cause the stop breathing at night, causing the body to the tire before even wake up.
Awakening of the gasping or choking many people suffering from Snoring and APNEA, which you are waking up in the middle of the night gasping or choking. This is a major indicator that there is a problem with Snoring APNEA. When this symptom, the treatment should be immediately implemented.
fragments of light, refreshing sleep.If you often fall asleep to wake right back up a few minutes later, you may be suffering from a condition that causes breathing to stop before you get into deep sleep. The stop breathing will wake up, which could cause insomnia serious.
Poor memory, Parnassius intellect.If you suffer from any APNEA, Snoring, you find that the memory is severely affected, causing the sentence to concepts during the day. This is due to the lack of oxygen in the night.
irritability, changes in personality is a warning that they are losing sleep and your oxygen flow is disrupted nights, the rate of severe APNEA. Strong complaints will confirm the condition would definitely stay there.
Decreased sex drive impotence,.How your brain and loss of sleep are loss of oxygen, you'll find that reduces your sex, if any.
Morning headaches if you Hold your breath for a few seconds several times in a row, you'll find that they are struck with a headache. This is the same effect with APNEA Snoring, indicating there is a problem.
Gastro esophageal reflux (GERD)Acid reflux can cause great discomfort and pain and usually accompanied by other signs, warning, which will definitely show there is a problem with the SLEEP of the Snoring.

If these warning signs indicate may have APNEA, then find a highly effective sleep APNEA cure is the next step. Although POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE (continuous positive Airway pressure) and surgery often are recommended in the treatment of APNEA, both of these options are highly intrusive and can have negative side effects.

Using oral appliance, which is aimed at both the Snoring and sleep APNEA you can measure the highly efficient, effective and noninvasive to treat the condition. However, in order to prevent the of sleep APNEA, want to ensure that you are using the most effective available mouthpiece would definitely stay there.

More information on highly effective customized and shall be governed by the mouthpiece would definitely stay there to stop Snoring, and sleep APNEA, , click here.

Dr. Don Closson, inventor of the anti Snoring devices customized to your habits and comforts the respiratory bite TMJ, which can be found at

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Would definitely stay there and sleep disorders explained

Studies have shown that approximately 40% of adults living in the U.S. snore. Because the Snoring is so common, many people don't think twice about this or pursue, this may be a sign of something much more serious. Snoring could indeed be the precursor to some sleep disorders, which can be quite serious.

Characterized by Snoring sleep with one of the most common, but potentially serious disorder is often sleep APNEA. sleep APNEA is a condition in which the person to stop breathing periodically during sleep, ten seconds or longer intervals. When a person starts breathing again this results in a lack of oxygen to the body, which can cause problems with the heart and of potential mild brain damage. Some of the characters other than loud and disruptive Snoring include the morning headaches, feeling tired all day insomnia, and the need for frequent NAPS.

Most people with sleep APNEA has obstructive pulmonary sleep APNEA. This means that sleep APNEA is caused by certain types of obstacles to the Airways. This is usually caused by soft tissue in the throat ' closed for periods of time to stop breathing for that person. Obstructive pulmonary sleep APNEA may be caused by the anatomy of the jaws and throat, or may be brought obesity by. sleep APNEA can cause serious heart problems, so if you suspect that you have sleep APNEA you should see your doctor immediately.

There are several different treatment options, obstructive pulmonary sleep APNEA. If you have a minor case sleep APNEA (need special tests to determine the validity of the sleep position) may simply weight or try sleeping on your side. However, if your doctor have determined that your sleep APNEA more serious POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE may be. POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE continuous positive Airways and is a device which aircraft to remain open. Another possibility is Bi-PAP, which offers air in two different pressures, exhalation and inhalation.

Another possibility surgery is. The objective surgery is to increase the size of the upper air flow to prevent closure, while the person is asleep. However, due to the anatomy of surgery this type is not always possible to completely effective.

If you believe that you have sleep APNEA doctor, and they can help you determine what is the correct course of action for you.

Thomas Wilson writes APNEA, Snoring and other sleep disorder sleep sleep conditions for the website. Learn more and sign up for our free newsletter in

2011年1月29日 星期六

Why always recommends that you exercise, would definitely stay there

There are several so called remedies would definitely stay there in the market today. A few of them actually work for some people, but most are little more than gimmicks. Exercises to strengthen muscles, however, would definitely stay there around the throat and jaw and are more durable solutions for snorers.

So what is Snoring and why are so many people willing to stop? Snoring is the vibration of soft tissues around the area of the throat. Snoring may be mild or severe. The most serious type is called sleep APNEA that causes people to stop breathing for a short time. sleep APNEA you can the health causes problems, such as reduced immunity, lack of energy insomnia and.

Then social disadvantages of Snoring. Marriages are filtered by the constant noise of Snoring and I know of at least one case murder! This is how desperate and frustrating for people who can become a confrontation with the night after night the dreadful noise.

So what are the main causes of Snoring? If you are more likely to snore than males females. Older people also are more prone to Snoring than younger and if you're overweight, you increase the chance of Snoring and exponentially sleep APNEA! Some other causes of lifestyles are too much alcohol, smoking and locked nosowymi.

Short surgery or dental implants does not have too many solutions to Snoring. You can buy the nasal strips, special pillows, pastilles, throat sprays and even Acupressure rings and relaxation of the condition. One or more of them may even work for a while. However, few will work in the long term, and all of them require regular cash outlay of their purchase.

This is why I'm a big exercises would definitely stay there. When is a little effort required to learn and actually perform the exercises, the results are better than all of the gadgets would definitely stay there together. Reviews received from those who benefit from the exercises were very positive, that is why I recommend them. They have been tested by real people and work.

You will find free exercises would definitely stay there on the Internet? Yes, but not all of them are useful. The best results by doing the exercises correctly in the correct order. This will have impact on strengthening throat muscle unlocks enabling free flow of air without any vibration of the soft tissue of the throat.

These exercises take minutes a day to do so and are totally safe, surgery unlike that does not always work. Dental implants have reasonable success, but are uncomfortable to wear, causing insomnia often their own right.

Always the doctor advice, if you feel that Your Snoring may be caused by of sleep APNEA, you will need to correctly diagnose and positive airway pressure may the machine to keep your airways open needed. For all other Snoring, but would definitely stay there exercises will help you to stop the habit and also feel much more energetic throughout the day. Is a no brainer!

Would definitely stay there to disrupt your life is? Is your partner losing sleep because of the noise? Visit to remove yourself Snoring once and for all.

Wendy Owen (Dip. Holistic health therapy) is a sleep researcher and writer with a broad knowledge of herbal and homeopathic remedies.

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2011年1月28日 星期五

Symptoms of sleep disorders

Lack of sleep is not always the only effect problems sleeping. Deficiency of good sleep can affect connection Your s, health and even cause accidents. Sleep disorders appear in different forms and types. There are also many different symptoms of sleep disorders. Some are well known, while others may not present itself as easily.

Here are five types of sleep disorders, which suffer from many people. Some may seem small, but they all significantly impact your life. These disorders include:

Narcolepsysleep APNEASnoringRestless legs syndrome (RLS)Insomnia

Insomnia is the inability to obtain high-quality sleep. Stress is a big factor in insomnia call. The change of sleep schedules and bedtime bad habits may also insomnia enter cause.This is also known as REM sleep. Stress is large insomnia reason. Bedtime bad habits and moving the sleep schedules can also affect insomnia beginning.

sleep APNEA may be a serious problem. sleep APNEA is when you stop breathing during sleep. Most people confused sleep APNEA from Snoring, because they have similar symptoms. However, depending on the severity of your sleep APNEA, can be life threatening. There are several treatments for sleep APNEA. Most common treatment is the use of POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE computer. These machines open networks airways at night, you have the possibility to breath.

would definitely stay there is a very common problem of sleep and sometimes annoying one. Snoring concerns not only the computer, but also can affect the people around you. If you're a loud snorer, may lead other people up when you are sleeping. Snoring is caused when your airways are narrowed during sleep. There are many cures for Snoring. These include simple tools the sleep position surgery to having.

Restless Leg Syndrome is a constant need to move around while attempting to sleep. Symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome include soreness or injury and pain in the arms and legs. By moving, pain seems easy, but only for a short period of time. This is why a person with RLS is constantly tossing and turning during sleep.

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder, what makes someone and suddenly becomes very tired. Narcoleptics fall sleep spur moment and without warning. Narcolepsy is usually supported with medicines. Without proper treatment of Narcolepsy can be very hazardous, can cause someone to fall asleep while driving or performing other tasks.

Sleep disorders are common conditions. There are many ways to establish the disorder sleeping quarters. It is important to see your doctor if you are infected or think are suffering from certain types of sleep disorders. Lack of sleep can have a profound impact on the good for those the health of and well-being.

I have been suffering from of sleep problems for many years now. If you want more information about the locations of the disorder and how, visit

Improve the quality of life with the help of sleep disorders

Insomnia, known as the medical ly insomnia, is a symptom of sleep disorders. insomnia typical example is the failure to sleep well at night, getting from sleep very early and having consumed daily. Insomnia stops you conduct yourself well. Help sleep APNEA should be sought immediately if the condition matches any of the following symptoms. To know if you need a sleep disorder, think of the following parameters, if the answer is Yes to any of the questions you want help. Talk to your doctor and get help with sleep disorders.

(1) is Your Snoring lot voice?
(2) Whether you feel sleepy or dull day?
(3) focus on Your poor work?
(4 recently one User in the course of the meeting, the test book or watching TV?
(5) If you're feeling from the head of the heavy morning headaches?
(6) the nature of sleep walking?
(7) are mood disturbances and drop in have?
(8) is go to sleep problem?
(9)Whether or not obtained by weight, and increased blood pressure? If the understanding of the conditions is from one of these nine questions is positive, you should seek help sleep disorders.

"National Institute Health and for Clinical Excellence (Nice)" appears near the approval of drugs to the NHS. A person having "obstructive pulmonary sleep APNEA-hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS)" in simple terms of sleep apnoea; suffer from respiratory disorders, uneven and are therefore subject to sleeping in the day. Help sleep APNEA is by following a long wait. POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE medical treatment has been tested well now to assist the disorder sleep required by sec of the patient sleep APNEA ...

B?benka Etiology with people constantly Caves; on the dimension of time while you sleep. Blocking the Airways, which causes a failure of the air flow, which impedes breathing for 10 seconds, the distortion of deep sleep. Then the cycle begins again, they fall into deep sleep. of the patient may wake hundreds of times a night to remember nothing. "The British Thoracic Society (BTS)" Governor proposes "a continuous POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE therapy (POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE) ' the patient among adults s having sleep APNEA. POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE are the perfect sleep disorder support, of the patient sports, Silky mouth mask, and nose are connected to the system of adjustment to pressurize air, which the patient breathing. In the of the patient this way does not suffer from the collapse of their Airways when you sleep and is able to sleep well.

Cazza Burke is a consultant for the beauty of full time in San Diego, CA. check these Great Insomnia cure or more detailed advice Stop Snoring.

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2011年1月27日 星期四

Sleep apnea and depression-is there a connection?

Collaborative debate over the issue decrease sleep APNEA, sleeping APNEA fall in is the cause. Difficulties in the answer to this question lies in the fact that there are many similar symptoms diseases these, such as changing patterns of sleep, fatigue and irritability.

Although the connection between the sleeping APNEA (SA) and it is not clear, several studies have shown that there is such an association. For example, the conclusions of the study published in 2005 and proved many people from depression symptoms significantly improved by POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE machines.

No wonder you do not know the difference between the two. It should be confused even psychologists and physicians, psychiatrow. If you stress ed, and tackling the adverse circumstances that may indicate a decline in presence.

You don't know which one is the cause and effect. Like eggs and chicken. You cannot be sure which one came first. It is possible for both. SA may lead to a lack of sleep, which will fatigue and irritability, and could result in a depression in. Seams that common sense.

decrease in has insomnia as one of its symptoms. insomnia in time produce a SA. Is the fact that they are those who suffer from fall the five times more likely to occur. And this is the of sleep APNEA depression.

decrease in has different negative effects mental. In addition to irritability and fatigue can affect the opportunities for learning, can lead to loss of concentration and loss of interest in fun activities.

By treating sleep APNEA proved to reduce the depression symptoms. But you should not rely exclusively on Your psychiatrist to help sleep APNEA. It is likely to recommend the antidepressants. If you have at least one or two sleeping quarters APNEA symptoms such as Snoring, then you probably checked out of it. Therefore sleep APNEA for fall in it is important to know what cures are available.

It may be a good idea to check out the sleep APNEA cures available for you, and also to learn what is sleep APNEA Test you visit

Vintage Sleep Disorders & Psychology Film: Combat Fatigue: Insomnia (1945)

Vintage Sleep Disorders & Psychology Film: Combat Fatigue: Insomnia (1945)Getting enough sleep is sometimes taken for granted. In, Combat Fatigue: Insomnia, insomnia is looked at through the perspective of a soldier. When watching a Donald the Duck cartoon about insomnia, the main character doesn't find it funny. He too is afflicted with this restlessness, and night after night he stays awake, worrying. Combat Fatigue: Insomnia gives some helpful advice on how to encounter insomnia, and what to do about it.

Price: $12.99

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Remedy for insomnia-better options night

Insomnia remedy solutions are essential if you are trying to get to sleep at night. If you read my article today, I am sure you are ready to get the sleep you deserve. I can relate to your dilemma. My wife was in similar situation before. I want to let you now some hope. If you know where you treatments effective remedy of that work. The following are some ideas insomnia treatments for which are known to help.

Go online and search for the best sleep aid. You'll find tons of information about best sleep aid. All these products have their benefits and side effects, but you see that you no longer have to suffer. Some sites I recommend, check and see what you think is best for you.

You can also see a sleep specialist. I went to see a sleep specialist in my own bed condition. They diagnosed me with sleep APNEA, which is a disorder that typically occurs in your sleep. All the time and they gave me a snore as POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE machine and will wear for the rest of my life. The sleep specialist can diagnose insomnia user level and direct you can get help for the user of the disorder.

If you're like me, hate, visiting doctors. I know that I hate to see them, even when I know that for me. If you're not too for the sake of seeing a doctor, I recommend you get over the counter medicine. Even you can try one drug, where they will give you a free sample test or bottle before committing to the product. This may be your best option if you do not know what to do. In Add ition, from the Internet bottle online you can order directly without all of your relatives, knowing that they are tying to get help on your own. I encourage you to do what I do and get help, so you can sleep at night!

Herbal Sleep Aids is the perfect source for those struggling with getting enough sleep at night. Learn more about herbal sleep aid here!

2011年1月26日 星期三

Quiet Your Mind & Get to Sleep: Solutions to Insomnia for Those With Depression, Anxiety or Chronic Pain (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook)

Quiet Your Mind & Get to Sleep: Solutions to Insomnia for Those With Depression, Anxiety or Chronic Pain (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook)

A busy and hectic life can profoundly affect your ability to get a good night's rest. And it's even more difficult to feel relaxed when you stay awake worrying that you won't fall asleep. This vicious circle can quickly rob you of your quality of life, which is why it is so important to seek the most effective treatment for your insomnia.

This workbook uses cognitive behavior therapy, which has been shown to work as well as sleep medications and produce longer-lasting effects. Research shows that it also works well for those whose insomnia is experienced in the context of anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. The complete program in Quiet Your Mind and Get to Sleep goes to the root of your insomnia and offers the same techniques used by experienced sleep specialists.

You'll learn how to optimize your sleep pattern using methods to calm your mind and help you identify sleep-thieving behaviors that contribute to insomnia. Don't go without rest any longer-get started on this program and end your struggles with sleep.

[This book] will no doubt help millions... as it clearly explains not only what to do, but also why.
-William C. Dement, MD, Ph.D., author of The Promise of Sleep

Price: $21.95

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Melatonin by NOW Foods - (1mg - 100 Tablets)

Melatonin by NOW Foods - (1mg - 100 Tablets)Melatonin Two Stage Release Melatonin has been specially formulated to release gradually in two phases to promote a longer, more peaceful slumber. By delivering a smaller dose of melatonin in a slow, time release-manner, this unique 1 mg formula offers the same quality as our 3 mg product. To ensure absorption and effectiveness, weve added B-3, B-6 and magnesium. Our finest melatonin product ever.*

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2011年1月25日 星期二

5-HTP: The Natural Way to Boost Serotonin and Overcome Depression, Obesity, and Insomnia

5-HTP: The Natural Way to Boost Serotonin and Overcome Depression, Obesity, and Insomnia5-HTP is a naturally derived amino acid that has been shown in comprehensive studies to be safer than prescription drugs for the treatment of insomnia and depression, and can also be used for treating obesity, migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, and premenstrual syndrome. It may prove to be more popular than St. John's wort for the treatment of depression and other serotonin-related conditions, as it's been shown to produce results in as little as two weeks, while the herb may take a month or longer.

Author Michael Murray, N.D., a leading naturopath and coauthor of The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, delves very deeply to explain the hows and whys of depression at the neurotransmitter level, and the illustrations of presynaptic membranes may be a bit much for the lay reader. There are also several sections with intimidating titles along the lines of "Enhancing 5-HTP with Catecholamine Precursors." But the book's comprehensiveness makes up for its occasional denseness. Murray includes enlightening sections on nutrition for peak serotonin synthesis, other complementary herbal supplements, and many online and physical sources for obtaining 5-HTP. --Erica Jorgensen

Price: $23.95

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Sleep disorder-what they are and what we do about them?

May you have a sleep disorder?

S of the patient often come to me, the applicant the following symptoms, drowsiness and sleepiness during the day, or falling asleep in inappropriate. Emphasise that they spend much time in bed, at least 8 hours a night, so why they are so tired?

At the medical to exclude other causes for their fatigue and go to several questions:

o consistently take more than 30 minutes each night to fall asleep?
o consistently awaken several times each night and then have difficulty returning to sleep, or you can awaken too early in the morning?
o are you snore loudly, snort, said, gasp, make choking sounds or stop breathing for short periods of time?
o do you have Creeping, tingling sensation in the legs or crawl or weapons, which are released by the move, or start the system, especially in the evening, and while trying to fall asleep?
o do you feel as if you can not move when you first wake up?

If the answer to question to one or more of these questions is Yes, explains that the disturbances of sleep may be a problem. It is estimated that 40 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders insomnia such as (difficulty falling or staying asleep) sleep APNEA, (Sleep disordered breathing), the troubled legs and Narcolepsy (pronounced drowsiness). Although sleep disorders can significantly affect the of the health, the security and prosperity, they can be treated.

Why is sleep so important?

During sleep was understood as simply a period of time when you awake. However, because of the large research and scientific studies, now it is known that sleep has stages that cycle throughout the night. In principle it is performed in the "down time" that help maintain good health level and allow you to function in the best.


You must sleep to think clearly, rapid response and create memories. Paths from the brain, which help us learn and remember are very active when we sleep. Restrict by even one hour may be difficult to focus on the next day and slow down the response time. When sleep deprived, are more likely to make bad decisions that reduce the ability of the tasks and other daily activities.


Insufficient sleep may cause cranky and is linked to bad behavior and problems the of s, especially among children and young people. Persons chronically lack sleep are also more likely to be affected by the crisis.


Lack of sleep or getting poor quality sleep on a regular basis increases the risk of having high blood pressure, heart disease and other medical conditions.

How much sleep is enough?

It is really important if you get enough sleep? Yes, without a doubt! Both the quantity and quality of your sleep is important. Most adults need 7-8 hours sleep every night. Many people believe that this number changes as you age and older adults need less sleep. There is no real evidence to support this concept. However, we know that as you age is more likely to resume working easily and spend less time in deep sleep stages, hands.

What to do if you discover you have a Sleep disorder?

I always provide my of the patient 's that having a sleep disorder is not life threatening. The majority of sleep disorders are susceptible to changes in the style of life procedures in conjunction with the aid of herbal sleep or medication.

The first thing is to think of Why you are having problems with the seats. May be related actions or with the disease. Sometimes the patient 's drink too much or have drinks too much alcohol. Medicines, diet or daily living procedures can affect the quality of sleep. At the medical problems are ruled out, I suggest you try a few methods of self-care, which is considered useful.

Here are some recommendations by category the most sleep disorders:


to Stick to the schedule of regular bedtime. Try to get to the BOTTOM at the same time every morning, even if it is a weekend or holiday.
for the avoidance of uwijaj?cego during the day.
avoiding stress of full house activity and intensive exercise for two hours before going to bed. Exercise regularly, but earlier in the day.
about before going to bed, try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation or yoga.
to make sure the bedroom is dark, quiet and cool. If necessary, use earplugs or eye shades.
about worth trying the nutritional supplements like Melatonin or herbal remedies such as Valerian, Chamomile, lavender, Corydalis, passion flower and hops

Sleep apnea

Avoid alcohol and sleeping pills.
o consider the evaluation in a sleep laboratory, a device called a continuous POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE (POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE) increasing the air pressure inside your throat.


the Napping frees sleepiness with Narcolepsy.
about some recommendations such as Ritalin or amphetamine dextro alertness aid during the day.
about Provigil (modafinil) is a new, less efficient type stimulant that recently was found to be effective in maintaining Awake.

Restless legs syndrome

o cut the caffeine intake.
take a hot bath or practicing before the DNA.
with a Hot or cold packs on Your legs can provide relief.

Good night is right up there healthy of diet and physically active when it comes to the general good. Not reduced to your sleep in momentum to get the Latest. Make sure you get enough sleep quality to your life.

Mark Rosenberg, m.d.
Institute for healthy aging

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2011年1月24日 星期一

Sleepless Canadians boozing himself to sleep: study

Canadians are hundreds of millions of dollars each year self medicating their insomnia with alcohol expenditure, suggests a new study.

"We were very surprised to see that so many people use alcohol as a way to sleep, to promote, in particular because there are more negative than positive effects on sleep," says Charles Morin, a professor of Psychology at the University of Laval and one of the authors of the study, published this week in the journal sleep.

Generally, eight percent of the sample reported using alcohol as a sleep aid. In people with insomnia reported 28% self medicating with alcohol.

The study, one of the first in Canada to numbers to the social and economic burden of insomnia, estimates the total annual cost of the sleep disorder in Quebec alone is $ 6.5 billion.

"We know insomnia is a common problem, it has a very negative impact on the quality of life of people," says Morin. "If we can show that it is 10 times more expensive is not for the treatment of insomnia because of its impact on absenteeism from work and reduced productivity than it is to treat it, why aren't we treat it more often?"

Part of the problem is that so few people search help. Morin says: some people take sleeping pills, "but there are many more who self-medicate with over-the-counter products or, worse, with alcohol."

"Why people do that? Is it because they are afraid of using sleeping pills prescribed because of the stigma associated with it, or because they don't know that there are other treatment options available? "

The research found the money spent on the use of spirits, such as a sleep aid is much greater than costs in connection with visits to doctors and the use of prescription pills and OTC-products of antihistamines to herbal tea.

"The idea that schnapps before your bedtime good for your sleep is could correct about 100 years ago, been as long as it was the occasional schnapps," says Dr. Adam Moscovitch, Medical Director of the Canadian sleep Institute and associate clinical professor at the University of Calgary.

"When you knock yourself out as a way of dealing with it, if you don't close off your thoughts in any other way, than alcohol a very negative effect on your sleep. It deprives you of one of the deepest stages of sleep and once it wears off, there is a rebound effect. So your problem is worse. "

Of the 6. USD 5 billion annual cost associated with insomnia in Quebec, the largest indirect costs by far-$ 5 billion-was reduced productivity.

The highest direct cost-$ 339.8 million-was money spent on alcohol to sleep. In comparison, an estimated $ 16.5 million was spent on medicines, and 1.8 million dollars for OTC products.

The study involved Quebec only, but the researchers are doing a similar study throughout Canada. "I expect we'll pretty much the same results," says Morin.

The study, based on a random sample of 948 adults, distinguish between those who at the end of the day drinking, and those who use drink specifically to sleep, which means that they drink before bedtime, or in the middle of the night.

Self medicating with alcohol can lead to other complications, says Moscovitch. "Alcoholism is a large, especially binge drinking." Insomnia can also lead to depression, anxiety disorders and obesity.

The worrying is that insomnia is more and more often, say sleep researchers.

True insomnia is a disruption of the significant sleep for at least a month. People have problems falling asleep, staying asleep, waking up too early or "wake up and feel like you run over by a truck were", says Moscovitch.

According to the study, between six and ten percent of the population meets the diagnostic criteria for full-blown "insomnia syndrome", and about a third symptoms "at any given time."

Canadians are living today in a stressed society with multiple pressure balancing work and family responsibilities. "One of the things that we cut back on is our sleep," says Moscovitch.

For the study, volunteers filled out questionnaires on sleep, health, doctor visits and the time of work and reduced productivity in the past three months. Of a provincial health insurance Board also collected data.

The average age of the volunteers was 44; 60 percent were women and most worked day shifts for full-time jobs.

948 Volunteers, were 493 (52%) classified as "good sleepers," 308 (33%) as symptoms of insomnia and 147 (15 percent) as a syndrome of insomnia.

According to the study was the annual cost of insomnia-related health-care visits an estimated $ 85.3 million

Any person with insomnia is costing society an estimated $ 552 a year in work-related absence and $ 4,154 in reduced productivity due to their sleeping problems.

c Copyright (c) Post media news

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2011年1月19日 星期三

Bystanders, Sleep & cardiovascular Risk Factors in the Midle-aging-adults

A research study was recently to assess the relationship between sleep characteristics and cardiovascular risk factors and napping behavior, and to assess whether caught napping day leads to further better or worse sleep.

The sample consisted of 224 (African American, Caucasian and Asian) Middle-aged men and women. Sleep measures included nine nights actigraphy and sleep diaries, sleep questionnaires and one night of sleep polysomnography to measure disordered breathing.

More frequent bystanders was associated with lower nighttime sleep duration on average throughout the nine nights of actigraphy (especially among African Americans), most lamps counter sleepiness, more pain and fatigue from calendar and increased body mass index and waist circumference. Shorter duration nighttime sleep was associated with taking a nap during the day and taking a nap was associated with less efficient sleep the next night.

Bystanders middle-aged men and women is associated with overall less night sleep African Americans and lower sleep efficiency as measured by actigraphy and increased BMI and Central adiposity. These findings point to the importance of measuring the bystanders caught in associations understanding sleep disorders with cardiovascular risk.

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Obstructive Sleep Apnea prevalence in UAE: Philips "do you Snore" Online research

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UAE Philips conducted an online Sleep Apnea Awareness campaign titled Do You Snore, to help build public consciousness about Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in the UAE. Email invitations were sent out to fill out a short and straight forward survey to more than 200,000 recipients based in the country, targeting a sample group of the age 25 and above.

A high number of respondents showed positive results and are very likely to be suffering fromObstructive Sleep Apnea (?OSA). The potential patients were advised to print their report and seek further medical advice and diagnostic tests for sleep apnea.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders worldwide. It is a condition that causes a persons breathing to stop repeatedly during the night, causing disruption in their sleep as they struggle to breathe. As a result, they never get the deep, restorative sleep that is needed. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can not only negatively impact a persons overall quality of life and productivity, but it can also potentially lead to serious health issues like increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythm, strokes and other conditions.

Individuals with moderate to severe OSA often have a number of symptoms including loud, disruptive snoring, gasping for air or choking during sleep, and excessive daytime sleepiness. OSA can easily be diagnosed by physicians upon assessing a patients complaints and symptoms. If sleep apnea is suspected, a patient will be referred for a diagnostic sleep study known as a polysomnogram (PSG), to confirm the type and severity of the sleep apnea, as well as the appropriate treatment.

Philips will be hosting the 2nd Gulf? Sleep Apnea Meeting on the 16th of December, inviting sleep medicine clinicians from around the Gulf and Middle East to discuss the surveys outcome and give deeper insights on topics related to sleep apnea such as Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Cardiovascular Diseases, Sleep and Aging, as well as showcasing the latest solutions in OSA Therapy Systems. affects approximately 4% of the adult population worldwide. A large proportion of cases remain undiagnosed, said Diederik Zeven, Senior Director and General Manager of Philips Healthcare Middle East. Most people fail to seek medical diagnosis for this most common form of sleep disorder breathing. Treating OSA can limit the risk of developing the life-threatening conditions mentioned earlier and improve quality of life, he adds.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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CPAP Therapy réduit fatigue, increased energy into patients with sleep studies suggest du

ScienceDaily (January 1, 2011) person sick and obstructive sleep du reports they often feel like "a new" after radiation therapy began continuous positive airway pressure. A new study in January the first newspaper to sleep point evidence to support these anecdotiques report, which shows that the three weeks of CPAP therapy significantly reduce fatigue and increase energy and ANY OTHER ISSUE OR in patients.

The results of the au controlled trial shows CPAP therapy significantly reduced autodeclaree evil fatigue point two independent measures. two 8.76 in base to 0.10-post treatment on the Multidimensional tiredness invent symptom--short forms. Then, two 7.17 in base for 4.03-post treatment on fatigue inertia source-echelle de la profile sentiments States-short forms. Results indicated that participants were cut off of plans significant level of fatigue After three weeks the intervention period.

Autodeclaree energy level also raised after three weeks of CPAP therapy, and point the evil-doer on source-echelle vigor-activities of the profile sentiments States-short form has increased significantly since 14.28 in base 16.52 for post-treatment. Significant Change in fatigue and energy by the participants who received placebo CPAP.

'' This was one of the first study blind double vision effects on CPAP body aches, "said lead author, Lianne Tomfohr graduation research assistant in joint program doctorat in State University San Diego and the University of California, San Diego. "These results is important, as is made clear that patients who keeps CPAP therapy can find, weary of experience and increase in energy and vigor after a relatively short period of treatment."

Further analysis found that CPAP came together have especially beneficial for participants who were excessivement am tired you sleepy before treatment. CPAP Therapy significantly reduced autodeclaree diurne sluggishness in this group, and point the evil-doers zur Epworth sleepiness scale-two 13 6.0 in base for 8-9. post treatment.

According to the American Academy of sleep medicine, ANY OTHER ISSUE OR a common sleep disorder related to breathe that touch at least two four percent of the population. ANY OTHER ISSUE OR when muscles are during sleep will become soft tissue in the back of the throat to collapse and disruption at the upper airway. Most people with ANY OTHER ISSUE OR snore and crying out with a loud voice and many times, and they often experience fatigue and sleepiness diurne death.

Treatment choices for ANY OTHER ISSUE OR CPAP therapy, which is a solid side of heaven in a Mace uses during sleep. Airflow that will keep the airway open to prevent pauses in breathing and restore normal oxygen level.

Tomfohr and a team of UCSD researchers study 59 elderly and the evil-doer age of 48 years. Du polysomnography in a sleep laboratory confirmed that every participants have ANY OTHER ISSUE OR, defined a du-hypopnea index (AHI) 10 or more partial reduction (hypopneas) and in whom all pauses (apneas) to sleep when not inhale.

Participants were assigned to receive either au therapeutic CPAP CPAP or placebo, and returned to the lab night sleep for a night, or CPAP titrage titrage demonstration. Participants trained on the use of equipment, to use it in the House each evening for three weeks. Questionnaire Data was found before and After for the study of aleatoire period three weeks the intervention.

According to author, formula that underlie the change in fatigue crossing. They that can impact Sur CPAP fatigue in patients with ANY OTHER ISSUE OR not, which reduced inflammation that increase in inflammatoire marqueurs in ANY OTHER ISSUE OR patient related to fatigue.

The study supported by the National Institute of health, national Heart lung and Blood Institute. National Institute on aging. and National Center for research resources.

Source story.

The history of the CAN-dessus reimprime (with redaction adaptations not ScienceDaily working) from materials provided by American Academy of sleep medicine, via EurekAlert., worship AAAS.

Newspaper reference.

Tomfohr, LM. S Ancoli-Israel. Loredo JS. Dimsdale EYE. Effects of continuous positive airway pressure fatigue and sleepiness in patients with obstructive sleep du. data of a au controlled trial. Sleep, 2011. 34 (1), 121 126 [ties]

Note: If the author not color, rather than the source site.

Reveal. This article is not to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Changed expressed here doesn't necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or working.

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2011年1月18日 星期二

Indoor Herbal Tea Herb Garden Starter Kit- Grow & Brew Fresh Herbal Teas- Seeds: Lavendar, Lemon Grass, Chamomile, More

Indoor Herbal Tea Herb Garden Starter Kit- Grow & Brew Fresh Herbal Teas- Seeds: Lavendar, Lemon Grass, Chamomile, MoreCool indoor herb gardening kit. Grow your own fresh herbal tea herbs indoors year round. Brew your own herbal teas from fresh herbs that you grow in your own kitchen. Enjoy the fun and benefits of indoor gardening. Nothing improves your teas like fresh herbs. Herb Kits make fantastic gifts. Contents: Tray, Dome, 50 Peat Pellets, 100 T-Sacs, Tea Infuser, 12 packages Tea Garden: Lavendar, Lemon Grass, Citrus Marigold, Angelica, Chamomile, Rosemary, Lemon Bergamot, Feverfew, Catnip, Anise, Lemon Balm, Sage, Instructions


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CPAP Therapy cut fatigue, ups energy levels in a dream du patient

, Washington, John 1: a new study suggesting that three weeks of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy and boost energy reduit fatigue in obstructive sleep du sick.These results indicated participants were cut off of plans significant level of fatigue After three weeks the intervention period.

"These results is important, as is made clear that patients who keeps CPAP therapy can find, weary of experience and increase in energy and vigor after a relatively short period of treatment," lead author Lianne Tomfohr, San Diego State University and the University of California, San Diego said.

Further analysis found that CPAP came together have especially beneficial for participants who were excessivement am tired you sleepy before treatment, as it had significantly reduce sluggishness diurne autodeclaree group.

Tomfohr and a team of UCSD researchers study 59 elderly and the evil-doer age of 48 years.

Participants were assigned to receive either au therapeutic CPAP CPAP or placebo, and returned to the lab night sleep for a night, or CPAP titrage titrage demonstration.

Participants trained on the use of equipment, to use it in the House each evening for three weeks. Questionnaire Data was found before for the study of randomisation and period three weeks After the intervention.

They reported in a dream, the newspaper.


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Anxiety Control 24R HourAnxiety Control 24 is a unique patented amino acid support formula.
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Strategizing to beat insomnia

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Sleep strategies. The older you get, the more elaborate they become. Look at me, age 56, a virtual insomniac, increasingly so for years now. Because once I lie down, there's the chronic back pain -- and, even worse, the racing mind, focused on my Silicon Valley work routines, the hyper-striving, the deadlines. What will the morning bring? Enough worries to make sleep impossible, and so I strategize.

For a while, that meant nights at the gym, a way to tire myself out before sleep; it only got me wired. I tried a glass of wine at bedtime, but that just dried me out, made my legs jumpy in bed. I listened to music on my iPod in the dark, but that only focused my brain; I write about music for a living, for this newspaper. So I turned off the music and tried counting backward from 1,000. And finally, there were early evening catnaps on the living room sofa, after I recognized, perhaps subconsciously, that the bed was the place where I inevitably would just lie for hours in the middle of the night, trying to will myself to sleep, dozing off now and then, only to be awakened by distant voices -- coming from my wife's ear buds, as she tried and failed to put herself to sleep by listening to BBC podcasts on her iPod.

Finally, about six weeks ago, I broke down, popped an Ambien and imagined myself passing through the magic portal to a full eight hours of unconsciousness. I woke up after 90 minutes.

It felt like a crisis, the end of sleep -- emblematic

of life in the valley, the busy-bee land of perpetual work, if you're lucky enough to still have it in a time of economic woe. Studies show that 20 percent of Americans sleep less than six hours per night, that insomnia is associated with absenteeism and reduced productivity on the job, and that it constitutes a public health risk with attendant costs of about $100 billion annually in the U.S., by some estimates.

Who sleeps anymore? I've discovered that many of my friends fight to sleep. One swears by Ambien. Half a pill nightly, and he's down for the count, restored by morning when the next monster deadline approaches in his job as a tech writer. Another swears that Excedrin PM, available over the counter, is all he needs to tumble toward sleep. His wife does gentle yoga stretches in bed when sleep eludes her. Yet another friend elbows her husband, at any hour, and says, "Read to me." Which he does.

Lights on. No one's sleeping.

And so I stopped by the Stanford Hospital's Sleep Disorders Clinic in Redwood City, looking for some answers.

There are other sleep clinics around the Bay Area, including in Santa Clara (operated by Kaiser), Fremont and at UC San Francisco. But Stanford's is especially renowned. It tallies about 7,500 visits a year, and many of the people who walk through its doors wind up speaking with Dr. Allison T. Siebern, associate director of Stanford's Insomnia and Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program. For about an hour, she became my sleep guru, filling in the basics.

Siebern explained that there are 90 or so sleeping disorders, including narcolepsy and sleep apnea. But insomnia is most common. For 10-15 percent of Americans, it is a full-blown disorder with a cluster of chronic symptoms: the persistent problems of getting to sleep or staying asleep, coupled with a diminished sense of well-being and a falloff in daytime functioning. Beyond this core group, research shows that 30-80 percent of Americans at one time or another suffer from symptoms of insomnia.

"Our culture's changing," Siebern told me. "We are 24/7. People are so plugged in. There's no transition time, no getting ready for sleep."

She paused and said, "So you're awake in the middle of the night."

I am.

"And you're coming up with all these strategies to bring on the sleep."

It's true.

"But you can't will it on. It's like chasing your own shadow."

Bingo. The more you try to sleep, the less you sleep. It's always just out of reach.

I explained my work routines to Siebern: the erratic hours, the burning of the candle at both ends, the late-night concerts and early-morning deadlines. Like so many people in the valley, she said, my shifting work schedule leaves me feeling "perpetually jet-lagged. It's like you're always going to a different time zone. You experience this de-synchrony," and it doesn't help sleep.

She pulled out a chart, illustrating the body's internal "circadian clock" and its competing drives for sleep and wakefulness. (These and other concepts are further explained at a website developed by Dr. Rachel Manber, the sleep clinic's director: insomnia). Typically, the "sweet spot" for sleep happens some time in the evening, as the hunger for sleep increases and the brain's wakefulness signals taper off.

"And then a mountain lion walks into the room," Siebern said, speaking figuratively.

The mountain lion might be anxiety over work or a pre-bedtime spat with a spouse, whatever lingers in the psyche and rouses one from sleep. Over time, "the very fear of not sleeping becomes the mountain lion," breaking into the sleep cycle, again and again. Eventually, the bed -- the place where you tough it out, fighting to sleep -- becomes "a cue for wakefulness. For some people, just going into the bedroom becomes the cue. Just seeing the bed, they experience dread. The night time isn't so pleasant."

You may have read about sleep hygiene: Cut back the caffeine, don't get into bed at 9 p.m. if you never fall asleep before 1 a.m. These are helpful suggestions and can help good sleepers maintain their regimen. But there's no silver bullet for insomniacs.

There is, however, cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTi), a medication-free program practiced at Stanford, where Siebern and the rest of the staff function, in effect, as personal trainers for sleep-deprived clients. (Patients who take sleep medication can still take the program, which will help them taper off and eliminate the medication, if they so choose.) To understand how the therapy works, I called Elena Gonzales, a clinical psychologist and sleep specialist in Point Richmond, who trained at Stanford's clinic and maintains an adjunct position there.

"We live in a culture where everyone wants to have whatever they want, right away," she said. "And there is such a sense of injury and deprivation whenever someone isn't sleeping. It's like, 'What?' "

Let it rest. Quit being "hyper-organized" around your sleep; that's key, she told me. "Try to calm the mind and relax the body," but without the intention of controlling the onset of sleep. You might watch some TV before bedtime, read a magazine -- nothing too heavy -- or just spend some quiet time with your spouse or partner. Long-term, yoga is good, as are mindfulness meditation and other stress-reduction practices.

If sleep still proves elusive, maybe it's time for CBTi: A patient will discuss his thoughts and beliefs about sleep with the therapist over the course of six or eight weekly sessions. (They are typically, but not always, covered by health insurance.) This is the cognitive piece: Those middle-of-the-night fears about tomorrow's disaster at the office are understandable, but perhaps exaggerated.

Patients also will go through a tough-love sleep restriction program. This is the behavioral piece: At the outset of treatment, time in bed at home will be cut back in order to increase the craving for sleep -- and to consolidate sleep, to make it less fragmented. After a week, a patient might be sleeping five hours at a stretch. The next week, he or she might be instructed to get into bed 15 minutes earlier, gradually building the sleep and establishing, where possible, a consistent wake-up time.

And as said, if they have been taking sleep medications, patients are generally weaned from them. There is a solid body of research comparing the treatment of patients with prescription sleep medicines and with CBTi; CBTi takes longer to kick in, but it is durable, with longer-lasting effects.

"We're empowering people with tools," Gonzales said, "so they can be self-changers."

I haven't enlisted for therapy, but I'm trying to be my own self-changer. With a year-old yoga practice, my back pain has all but disappeared. And that mountain lion hasn't been around lately. That may be because my sleepless wife and I have a new dog, big and goofy -- and a barker, vigilant. She patrols the house, watches out for us, and, to my utter amazement, the sound of Zella's gentle snoring on the floor beside my bed is a sleep inducer. My sleep has grown more consolidated. Less fragmented. More relaxed. And I'm not even trying.

Contact Richard Scheinin at 408-920-5069.

Sleep medicationsThe National Sleep Foundation estimates that 25 percent of Americans take some type of medication every year to help them sleep. Prescription medicines that promote sleep are known as "hypnotics." Ambien is a hypnotic and is considered safe when taken as directed.
Intended for short-term insomnia, it is promoted as having few side effects when compared with other sleeping pills. Dizziness is the side effect most often reported. And there is that well-publicized problem of "complex sleep-related behaviors," as the Food and Drug Administration put it.
While rare, these behaviors include everyday activities such as driving, making phone calls and raiding the refrigerator -- all while fast asleep. Hence the sobriquet "Ambien Zombies."

View the original article here

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2011年1月17日 星期一

Sleep Apnea and failure Congestive heart

Studies are made on the relationship between sleep apnea congestive heart failure. Patients with sleep apnea and noisy may suffer damage to the right side of the heart since there is a pump harder to support the extra effort of the lungs in their attempts to overcome frequency airway. Test performed on forty-two patients with heart conditions. Almost half of these patients were severe sleep apnea, which was not diagnosed before to study.

Sleep apnea is a major health syndrome affecting millions of people. Up to 95% of these people do not know they have it, you never know. Efficiently handling apnea, but many people may find it difficult to find qualified medical treatment. Sleep apnea is vanitok frequently people breathing which tissues relaxed throat cause during sleep. Snoring occurs by the vibrations of the throat tissues and is usually calm and precursor of apnea. Heavy snorers, people with their breath delay could be at risk of heart disease. Sleep apnea and failure congestive heart may be behind the deaths of many people's traffic over forty. The most serious cases of untreated sleep apnea patients have an increased chance of having a fatal traffic accident.

Continuous positive Airway pressure machine (CPAP), which helps people with sleep apnea, may also help people with coronary artery disease experience their oxygen in the blood drops during breathing I during sleep. Congestive heart failure affects 2.5 million Americans. Research was done with the number of sick people who were two sleep apnea, congestive heart failure were treated with CPAP machine. This treatment has caused patients develop an increase in energy, less fatigue and low blood pressure. These patients have experienced even more positive outlook due to the results of the treatments.

National Center for sleep disorders, it examines existing link between sleep apnea congestive heart failure with high blood pressure and pain in the chest. Some researchers have suggested that this may cause problems with apnea.

It is possible that this central apnea can cause high blood pressure, surge of adrenaline and pass of the heart. Central sleep apnea occurs when the brain fails to send a letter to breathe. It is not caused by frequency or snoring.

Who suffer from sleep apnea have a higher risk of death than the rest of the population. Sleep apnea include problems and failure congestive heart, blood pressure, stroke, depression, and death due to accidents. Sleep apnea troubled family has a difficult time dealing with the disease. Other issues outside the home are affected by such difficulties at work caused constant sleep.

Finally, people with sleep apnea and failure congestive heart should consider their apnea treatment might help only heart disease remains the chances of their own. Sleep apnea is long overdue for more attention; This is the second leading cause of daytime fatigue after insomnia. Getting poor sleep is a major health problem should be addressed sooner than later.

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? Our site is focused on sleep apnea treatments and symptoms patients of apnea sleep.
By a. d. Houser