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2011年1月13日 星期四

Treat sleep Apnea-sleep your 8 and Wake Up big

Do you sleep eight hours a night, but wake up feeling unrested, sleepy? Have you ever wake up suddenly in the middle of the night, sometimes overlap or aspires to air? Do you sometimes to snore loudly? If all this sounds like you, you may have problems with sleep apnea. Breathing is interrupted repeatedly during sleep, usually for 10 seconds at least five times per hour. The word "apnea" comes from the Greek word for "to breath". It is difficult for the body to sleep comfortably, since it continually distracted with trying to breathe. In addition to maintaining the REM cycles from a deep sleep, a person wake up several times at night, making it more difficult to sleep comfortably.

There are three different types of this disorder:
Disorder sleep Apnea: this happens when the brain is a muscle to tell them.
Sleep Apnea a rarity: this happens when there is blocking paths.
Mixed Apnea: this is a mix between the two types of others.

There are many treatments to cure insomnia (some of it work better than others), but the most common treatment is treatment continuous positive Airway pressure or CPAP. Treatment is made possible by the CPAP machine connects to the mask on the face, pushes the air into the nose and mouth. The air pressure is high enough to clear obstacles or force the muscles to continue breathing, even when they are stopped. There are different degrees of pressure, because there are different degrees of sleep apnea, so the amount of pressure depends on the risk of interference.

If you think ??? sleep apnea, need to talk to a doctor. Continuous positive Airway machines have two months by a licensed physician, and should see someone if you're struggling with apnea sleep anyway to make sure that you are with her in the best possible.

CPAP is most commonly used to treat sleep apnea, but there are others:
Changing lifestyle. Case moderate, sometimes it can disappear if a person loses weight, sleep, avoiding alcohol vgloloth stops smoking and sleeping locations to promote normal breathing. Sleeping on the back should be avoided.
Dental appliances. Some devices are placed in the mouth to keep the airway open during sleep.
Analysis. Sometimes he analysis needed to correct this disorder. Surgeries can reduce enlarged tonsils, throat be fix overbite that causes trouble or deviated nasal septum correction.

In addition to these common treatments, there are also many alternative treatment for sleep apnea, giving a handled many options to choose from. Sufferers need to struggle with the issue more patients get help you need and they "rest easy".

Want to read more about sleep Apnea treatment recommended accessories fall asleep?

Head medication for and discover ways to fight the types of sleeping problems.

