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2011年1月17日 星期一

Sleep Apnea and failure Congestive heart

Studies are made on the relationship between sleep apnea congestive heart failure. Patients with sleep apnea and noisy may suffer damage to the right side of the heart since there is a pump harder to support the extra effort of the lungs in their attempts to overcome frequency airway. Test performed on forty-two patients with heart conditions. Almost half of these patients were severe sleep apnea, which was not diagnosed before to study.

Sleep apnea is a major health syndrome affecting millions of people. Up to 95% of these people do not know they have it, you never know. Efficiently handling apnea, but many people may find it difficult to find qualified medical treatment. Sleep apnea is vanitok frequently people breathing which tissues relaxed throat cause during sleep. Snoring occurs by the vibrations of the throat tissues and is usually calm and precursor of apnea. Heavy snorers, people with their breath delay could be at risk of heart disease. Sleep apnea and failure congestive heart may be behind the deaths of many people's traffic over forty. The most serious cases of untreated sleep apnea patients have an increased chance of having a fatal traffic accident.

Continuous positive Airway pressure machine (CPAP), which helps people with sleep apnea, may also help people with coronary artery disease experience their oxygen in the blood drops during breathing I during sleep. Congestive heart failure affects 2.5 million Americans. Research was done with the number of sick people who were two sleep apnea, congestive heart failure were treated with CPAP machine. This treatment has caused patients develop an increase in energy, less fatigue and low blood pressure. These patients have experienced even more positive outlook due to the results of the treatments.

National Center for sleep disorders, it examines existing link between sleep apnea congestive heart failure with high blood pressure and pain in the chest. Some researchers have suggested that this may cause problems with apnea.

It is possible that this central apnea can cause high blood pressure, surge of adrenaline and pass of the heart. Central sleep apnea occurs when the brain fails to send a letter to breathe. It is not caused by frequency or snoring.

Who suffer from sleep apnea have a higher risk of death than the rest of the population. Sleep apnea include problems and failure congestive heart, blood pressure, stroke, depression, and death due to accidents. Sleep apnea troubled family has a difficult time dealing with the disease. Other issues outside the home are affected by such difficulties at work caused constant sleep.

Finally, people with sleep apnea and failure congestive heart should consider their apnea treatment might help only heart disease remains the chances of their own. Sleep apnea is long overdue for more attention; This is the second leading cause of daytime fatigue after insomnia. Getting poor sleep is a major health problem should be addressed sooner than later.

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? Our site is focused on sleep apnea treatments and symptoms patients of apnea sleep.
By a. d. Houser

