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2011年1月31日 星期一

What is Hypersomnia?

Insomnia is well known sleep disorder that is characterized by an inability to fall asleep and stay asleep. But have you Ever heard of sleep disorder known as Hypersomnia? Hypersomnia is a sleep disorder that many people don't know that. This disorder is marked by prolonged night episodes stores, as well as excessive daytime bed places. Unlike the average, normal daily nap, sleep Hypersomnia sometimes fall during the most inappropriate such as interviews with the people, while at work or during meals.

Hypersomnia is potentially dangerous, due to the fact that people fall asleep behind the wheel of a car or cooking. Also a similar condition, Narcolepsy, some of these people are falling asleep and wake up resumed to business such as conversation. Unlike the average persons daily NAPS shall not release the person Hypersomnia. As a result of these people will have increased difficulty staying alert with symptoms such as memory impairment, urojenia, slow thinking, slow speech, loss of appetite, increased fatigue, leisure, anxiety disorientation, and decreased energy. Some even lose the ability to function normally in familiar settings such as social, work and families.

Symptoms of Excessive drowsiness may be triggered by several factors, including sleep disorders such as sleep APNEA, restless legs syndrome, or Narcolepsy and the acute alcohol and/or drug abuse. Hypersomnia may also be brought by physical problems such as head trauma, tumors, or physical injury to the nervous system. Other physical ailments which can contribute to depression. hypoersomnia includes, obesity, encephalitis, Epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. Certain medicines or the withdrawal of certain medicines can also bring on symptoms. Genetic factors may play a role in certain factual reasons there is suffering in others. Hypersomnia usually is diagnosed when a person is in their adolescence or young adulthood.

If you think there are signs of hyposomnia, talk to your doctor diagnosis and proper treatment. The diagnosis of hyposomnia, your doctor will ask you some questions about the habits of the sleeping quarters and your symptoms. Also see if there are any changes in the major life or of other forms of stress emotional, it may mean any of the medicines that can be created, can lead to symptoms. Together with the questions your doctor may also order certain tests, such as blood tests, tests of sleep and scanning tomography (CT). Add itional elektroencefalogramu (EEG), which measures the electrical activity of the brain, also may be needed in some cases.

Hypersomnia treatment may involve a switch in medicines, if medicines are created is contributing to the symptoms. If your Hypersomnia is brought on by the of sleep APNEA, a device known as a continuous POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE, or provided to the user. This device helps protect your airways open by the continuous stream of air into the nostrils. POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE is a mask that you can use while you are sleeping. Other treatments include various Hypersomnia medicines such as stimulants, antidepressants and other drugs later, like Provigil and Xyrem.

Sleepiness interfere with their daily too normal daily activities? diagnosis of proper treatment and will fully work on the world of waking again.

For more useful information on the various sleep disorders in

