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2011年3月31日 星期四

UARS: hidden sleep condition

You've gained some weight this year, and you just not sleeping well. Your husband says you have begun to snoring. You know that your father has obstructive sleep apnea and doing well with CPAP. You mention this to your doctor and she orders a sleep study. Sleep study comes back completely normal. Now what?

The real cause of your chronic fatigue

Before you begin to search for other reasons for your chronic fatigue, not to exclude a sleep-breathing problem too quickly, even if you don't have obstructive sleep apnea. In fact, a sleep-breathing problem cause if not aggravate conditions such as hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue, depression, insomniaand even prickly bowel syndrome.

Doctors have defined obstructive sleep sleep apnea have at least 5 apneas or hypopneas per hour on average. An apnea means that you stop breathing completely in 10 seconds or longer. Hypopneas are similar 10 sec or longer pauses, but with restricted air flow. But what what happens if you stop breathing 25 times per hour, but each episode only lasts a few seconds?

At the beginning of 1990, Dr. Christian Guilleminault of Stanford University on young, thin men and women who were tired all the time, regardless of how long they slept. These people were found not to have obstructive sleep apnea after undergoing formal sleep studies. When they are placed on the thin pressure guiding catheters, in their breast and neck, they found, however, had the the frequent incidents partly obstructionism, which led to a subtle, but significant reduction of the nasal air flow along with the very negative vacuum pressure in the throat. Most of these smaller incidents were not apneas or hypopneas, but still lead to an arousal-from deep sleep to light. What was happening was more partial blockages and arousals which were not serious enough to be called apneas or hypopneas, but enough to cause destruction in deep sleep quality.

It has been demonstrated that even very subtle levels of restricted breathing can lead to deep brain stimulation and arousals which prevents your ability to live in deep sleep. These retro-reflecting signals in the brain can be so weak that it does not yet reach the outer layers of the brain, where standard scalp electrodes can intercept these disturbances.

Blame It On your parents (and your Jaws)

The fundamental problem in UARS is due to the smaller upper airway Anatomy, caused by smaller jaws and dental crowding. The smaller the space behind the tongue more likely you will prevent while breathing on their backs (due to gravity, the tongue may fall back), and when in deeper levels of sleep (when your muscles relax). Therefore, most people with UARS cannot or do not want to sleep on their backs. The problem is that you can still breathing problems despite sleeping on your side or stomach, just not as bad as being on the back.

Lack of sleep and deep sleep, in particular, have been found to cause a wide range of physiological changes. Generally this happens because of chronic over stimulation of your sympathetic nervous system. This is the fight or flight half of your involuntary nervous system. Because your body thinks it is under attack, increases your nervous system, you make a garde edgy, hypersensitive or overreact to normal situations. This will also lead to diversion of blood flow, energy and resources away from the less essential body parts and organs, such as your digestive system, reproductive organs, skin, hands, feet and other "end organs."

Because of this "hypersensitivity," the nose and sinuses to be overly sensitive, responds to stimulants such as weather changes, chemicals, perfumes and even allergies. Chronic stress resulting from sleep deprivation can also whet your immune system.

It is hormones or your breathing?

A number of other studies point out that UARS patients are more likely to have cold hands and feet, hypothyroidism, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, chronic fatigue and various other "somatic" syndromes. I see this all the time in my practice. A recent study showed, in fact, even that chronic long-term sleep deprivation caused considerable reduction of TSH and T4 levels in women are much more susceptible to this effect in comparison with men.

With time, as people age, and in particular as they gain weight, most people want progress in true obstructive sleep apnea. You will find that most younger, thinner people with UARS will have one or two parents with significant obstructive sleep apnea.

Now that you are convinced that you may have this condition, what can you do it? For the most part, it is treated as obstructive sleep apnea. You should start with conservative settings first, such as weight loss (if you are overweight), diet, exercise, improve your nasal breathing and do not eat late. If these options do not work, all the formal opportunities to treat obstructive sleep apnea possible including CPAP, oral appliances and even surgery.

Unfortunately, if you do not officially have sleep apnea diagnosis based on a study, sleep, then insurance generally does not cover any of the treatments. Irony is that our health system does not treat or prevent diseases in their early stages, and would rather wait until it is far more serious before cover for medical services.

If you think you have upper airway resistance syndrome, you may be disappointed to find that the medical community generally do not want to be responsive to your queries. With a few exceptions, many sleep doctors are not convinced that the UARS is still a legitimate condition, and would rather cut it in spectrum snoring to obstructive sleep apnea. Time and time again, when I see patients who hear they don't have obstructive sleep apnea and upper airway narrowing and inflammation is treated, the patients almost always feel better. Your best option is to continue to educate yourself and be persistent. Your first priority should be to be able to breathe better, so you can sleep better.

Steven y. Park, M.D., author of the book, sleep, Interrupted: a medical doctor reveals the # 1 reason why so many of us are sick and tired. Endorsed by the New York Times best-selling authors Christiane Northrup, M.D., Dean Ornish, M.D., Mark Liponis, M.D., and Mary Shomon For a free e-book about how UN-Stuff your stuffy nose, click here:

2011年3月30日 星期三

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2011年3月29日 星期二

Cure Sleep Apnea Without Cpap

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2011年3月28日 星期一

CPAP Nasal masks-breathe easy and sleep easy

CPAP nasal mask offers a more comfortable feel than full of CPAP masks. There are still choices when shopping for a nasal mask.

Nose Breathers and Sleep Apnea Nasal masks

Sleep disorders such as insomnia and Narcolepsy, can be detected but not sleep apnea. Insomnia sick and persons who are experiencing excessive sleepiness during the day knows that there is something wrong with their sleep habits. But people who have sleep apnea cannot detect they have this problem unless their sleep has been observed to have apnea episodes or non-breathing spiels.

When you have sleep apnea, your air passages are either blocked or you simply do not have the drive to breathe regularly to feed your Lungs the air they need. During sleep, you stop breathing in addition to regular intervals between spirits. If this happens five times or more per hour, you have sleep apnea. If you're a nose breathing space, the doctor will prescribe a CPAP nasal mask.

Visit the distributors of nasal CPAP masks in Toronto, if you get your doctor's recommendation for a mesh. This is triangular in shape and worn over you nose. Pins are mounted in the nose through which air from the CPAP machine that flows into the tubing set against pins is geared toward nasal air passageways. In General, the newer models of CPAP nasal masks are more comfortable than their predecessors, but it will still take some time before users get accustomed to the pins.

Available CPAP nasal masks in Toronto driving range of hard plastic with soft latex. The newer models are curvier to meet facial contours, and these have case adjustable straps to hold the mask in place. Headgears are available in different sizes, colors and material and may be sold separately.

Go to comfort regardless of the brand

Some brands of nasal CPAP masks, as DoubleGel from ResMed contains blue gel layers and is ultra quiet. Fisher and Paykel offers easy easy-to-use mask. This has cushions, that connects to a swivel mechanism gives the patient the flexibility and mobility. You can sleep on your face or hand down because the tubing can be fitted either ways-in front of or side of the face. Ask your dealer
of masks in Toronto for several models from different brands to get a first-hand idea of what you want to get.

If you are presented with the Respironics models, ask for a mask with cradle cushion technology. This feels almost identical to the nasal pillows but is more comfortable and mesh, very easy and there are no interfaces pieces, which may impede the view; You can wear your reading glasses and read in bed or watching TV, if it is a part of your routine, go to bed. Put on the mask is easy; You can do it with only one hand!

If distributors of nasal CPAP masks in Ontario be informed about your requirements, you are presented an array of masks and you can hire someone who shows promise comfort fit and safety from leaks. Rent or buy CPAP nasal masks in Toronto; as long as it is a perfect fit you can sleep easy and breathe easy.

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2011年3月27日 星期日

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2011年3月26日 星期六

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Drugs in clutter potnam Vanda EU ngarao.

ROCKVILLE, ill (AP)--Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc. said Tuesday that the European Euro parek ku-the special area for drug development, Vanda saw disorder that affects the blind.

Vanda said tasimelteon candidate of drug addict there status that comes with having ngarao duty. Reduced application fee, and may occur and where received if approved drugs. Competing products may be barred from the market up to 10 year drug status has occurred, to treatments for rare illnesses or conditions that lack of treatment options.

Tasimelteon intended to deal with disorder chronic sleep straight that parents could share their content with 24 hour video company said they continued to sleep later and wake up later. The condition occurs only in people who are blind.

Food and drugs win drug tasimelteon status occurs in 2553 (2010) January Vanda is a period of clinical products.

Shares of Vanda Pharmaceuticals has been trading between $ 6.04 and $ 12.62 in the last year in morning trading shares rose 12 cents to $ 7.37.

View the original article here

2011年3月25日 星期五

Understanding and treating Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is becoming more and more common among overweight people. It is when you have more than one break in swallowing or breathing during sleep.

Sleep apnea treatments include security systems, a change of lifestyle, breathing devices and sometimes surgery to correct the problem.

The Mouthpiece
A mouthpiece or apparatus oral is for people with a more mild form of sleep apnea. Oral appliance can also be applied to those cords but need sleep apnea.

A special dental or dentists will custom fit mouthpiece in order to process your sleep apnea. You may need periodic medical visits to adjust the oral apparatus for comfort and avoid pain.

Lifestyle changes
A few simple lifestyle changes can help them with mild sleep apnea.

· Keep your nasal passages open, using a nasal Strip, nose sprays or allergy medicine
· Stop smoking
· Do not drink alcohol or take drugs, makes you sleepy, because it makes it difficult for your throat closing night
· Bulk, even a little weight loose will help to improve your symptoms
· Sleeping on your side instead of the back, this will help your neck to remain open

Breathing devices
CPAP-continuous positive airway pressure is one of the most common treatments of moderate to severe treatments for sleep apnea. Gently blowing air into your throat, using CPAP machine a mask that fits fits over your mouth and nose or sometimes just your nose.

Stop snoring is not the same as to stop sleep apnea. You should continue to use CPAP machine, even if you stop snoring. Sleep apnea , return, if you are using CPAP machine incorrectly, or you are not using it all together.

A CPAP technician comes to the House, and sets the machine for you and make any adjustments which may be necessary.

The only side affects, there have been reported in the CPAP machine is dry or stuffy nose, sore eyes, headaches and irritated skin on your face. If CPAP is not properly installed or adjusted just right to your face, you may experience discomfort and stomach bloat.

If you experience problems with your CPAP, work with your sleep specialist make the appropriate adjustments to the machine so that you are more comfortable and achieve better results. There may not be enough moisture in the air produces CPAP nasal spray and some will take care of this. People who suffer from serious sleep apnea usually feel much better when they begin to use CPAP.

Surgery to sleep apnea be made to expand the breathing passage to allow more air to pass through during sleep. This is done by reducing, removing or strengthen the excess tissues in the throat, mouth, or reset the lower jaw.

When shrinking tissues, more profit or scrapping is done in the doctor's office with a local dental extraction. In order to duplicate the excess tissues, is an incision and small, rigid plastic tubing is placed in woven.

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2011年3月24日 星期四

To select the effective treatment of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is said to affect one out of every 200 Americans. Between 70% and 90% of the persons concerned are middle-aged men and often overweight or obese. However, we should not discount the fact that this condition may also be suffering of both men and women of all ages.

People sleep apnea with can actually keep weather in their sleep-even for as many as a hundred times-without knowing it. During all these times, can the person who has an abnormally low blood. He or she can also seems to gasp for air.

Before performing any processing for sleep apnea, it is important for a person subjected to polysomnography. This is a test to diagnose obtrusive conditions, record the number of episodes and the duration of each stage of sleep, determine when breathing interruption occurs, measuring oxygen saturation and observe the patient's condition when he or she wakes up.

Apart from the results of polysomnography, the treatment to which the doctor also recommend are based on the person's complaints. The provider of health care may request the person's insomnia and sleepiness he or she can with in the daytime. He or she may also be applied for other symptoms such as headache, wake up or whether he or she is aware of his or her obstructed breathing during sleep and dry mouth.

When sleep apnea is mild, treatment usually involves doing the patient asleep on his or her side. For they experience nasal congestion, can be recommended for decongestant therapy. For those who are overweight, weight reduction is a must.

CPAP is used in a more severe condition, a treatment for sleep apnea is called nasal continuous positive airway pressure or. A small mask connected to a air regulator exploited to keep open the nasal passages.

Shawn Green Cheif editor of, go here now to discover the latest treatment for sleep apnea settings.

Theta Minerals Molybdenum (16 oz)

Theta Minerals Molybdenum (16 oz)Molybdenum is a little-known, though essential, trace mineral. It is instrumental in regulating pH balance in the body. For each pH point increase (e.g., 6.1-6.2), the oxygen level is increased 10x, thus increasing the metabolism and enhancing the bodys ability to burn fat.
Although very small amounts are needed, molybdenum is a vital part of three important enzyme systems and is necessary for the proper function of certain enzyme-dependent processes, including. the metabolism of iron. When the iron stored in the liver is freed, it can then carry oxygen to body cells and tissue. Molybdenum works with the enzyme systems to help eliminate toxic nitrogen waste by turning it into uric acid. The uric acid then can be converted and more easily flushed out of the system.

Molybdenum promotes general well being, aids in carbohydrate metabolism, has proven itself useful in MSG (or other chemical) sensitivity, increases libido, and may enhance the effect of fluorine in tooth decay prevention (dental enamel is rich in molybdenum). It also induces sleep.

Because of molybdenums ability to raise the bodys pH, it may be beneficial in the treatment of cancer, viruses, and parasites.


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2011年3月23日 星期三

Cancer & Health- It's All About The Cell

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2011年3月22日 星期二

Sleep apnea, prostate may not alarm people.

Jerusalem, Israel)-16 April with UPI benign prostate enlarges the number of keywords could get up nighttime urination because the disorder sleep. Researchers of Israel.

Dr. Howard Ben Gurion University of the Tandeter Negev says study comparing men age 55-75 who were randomly selected from the primary care clinics. Diagnosed with benign prostate enlarges and report nocturia-need to stand up during the night that urine interrupting sleep-at least one time every night.

The group controls compare benign prostate is enlarged, and nocturia or no steps back.

A study published in the journal of the American Board of family medicine found 57.8 the percentage of larger prostates in fact may have a disorder that is horizontal and that the parents awakenings ascribed to the needs of their light the night may be true from their sleep disorders.

Late in the night to pee as benign prostate symptoms expansion typically apnea is obstructive sleep disorder in sleep by population snores in witnessed apneas, awakenings and sleepiness.

"If violence nocturia is a benign prostate extends is not true that this organization before bed now not considered and help improve the quality of patient life Tandeter said in a statement.

He suggests that physicians and patients with benign prostate enlarges reporters frequently awakenings from sleep urine should suspect blatant. Sleep apnea causes and treat accordingly.

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View the original article here