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2011年2月3日 星期四

Getting enough sleep? This may be a Hypersomnia

How often we talk about how much sleep we get there yesterday evening? The National Sleep Foundation poll, which had resulted in 20% of Americans admit they are becoming less than 6 hours of sleep at night in 2009.

With this in mind to recall the last time someone said they were getting too much sleep? Believe it or not, but there is an anomaly for you where people are too many of the rest. In the same national sleep Foundation poll also revealed that 28% of Americans are sleeping more than 8 hours of.

Too many places is known as Hypersomnia disorders. It is characterized by excessive fatigue, which makes it easier to stay awake during the day a difficult task. insomnia commonly known, the person has been unable to sleep, someone with a Hypersomnia could fall asleep almost everywhere in virtually any time.

What causes Hypersomnia?

There are several potential reasons for the disorder, including:

Sleep deprivation, which means not getting enough sleep at night
Other sleep disorders, such as the sleep APNEA (difficulties of breathing during sleep) and Narcolepsy (sleepiness in the daily)
Obese or overweight
The abuse of alcohol or drugs
Prescription medicines
Neurological or behavioural disorder or even head injuries
How can it treat?

If the doctor may prescribe Hypersomnia, a number of different drugs to fight the sleepiness. These drugs can include new drugs, stimulants or antidepressants.

People who have it as the product of two sleep APNEA can be pointed in the direction POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE treatment (continuous POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE). POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE treatment is actually the masks worn by the nose at night during sleep. The mask is attached to the computer sending the continuous flow of air through the nostrils. sleep APNEA alone is very serious and is more often than not remain unaffected. This can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack and sudden death.

What can I do to prevent this?

If this problem is not getting enough sleep or sleep during the night falling, testing different techniques in this manner. Popular remedies in this are binaural beats, meditation, or tea experience can help one get to sleep quickly.
Changes in diet and exercise more helps also. Being overweight causes so many problems health different, that of losing weight is beneficial in many different aspects.
Keep away from drugs and alcohol.
Because sometimes remains the question of the stay awake, grab a cup of coffee.

We are having good quality sleep is difficult for people with all stress ors, both within and beyond. Still, the PCM consistent sleepiness always contact a doctor to find out what courses of action.

My name is Markel. I am a disciple of the economic College, who has suffered once for many younger disorder sleeping quarters, one of which is the topic of this article. My problems with sleep and increased interest in the market has led me to create a site both on how to treat the issue of the sleeping quarters to find information on sleep disorders, as well as introducing readers to the different ways to earn income online. For more information visit

