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2011年2月2日 星期三

3 Common Sleep Disorders

Sleep is very important to life health y, yet to the 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders common. Sleep disorders can be very complex; There are about 80 medical different ly sleep disorders established. In this article we will discuss the most common of these abnormalities 3.


Insomnia is one of the most common betrayers night rest. In fact, most people will have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at one point in their life. Insomnia may result in difficulty or inability to fall asleep, waking up too early in the morning, wake up in the middle of the night with an inability to go to sleep, and waking up tired.

Insomnia can take a night or a long term problem. Most insomnia anxiety and is due to emotional disturbance, or of the General the stress levels. Most of the time of solving emotional root causes that will reduce insomnia. In some cases, you should obtain professional health mental counselling.

Sleep apnea

One of the most dangerous of these common disorders of the slumber is sleep APNEA. In the case of natural persons of sleep is broken (as often as 100 times a day) during their sleep sleep APNEA. Fixed a break means that not all sleep levels are achieved and oxygen can dip to dangerous levels. sleep APNEA is diagnosed with sleep and methods of treatment are different. Most common treatment is the use of POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE machine blows pressurized air stream at the nose and mouth people while they sleep.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS)

RLS is a disorder that causes tingling sensation pulling, or pain in the legs. RLS occurs at night and usually happens when a person lies. It might be lying down or sitting down. Because the RLS typically occurs at night much can interfere with the ability of person sleep. It affects about 10% of Americans.

Diagnose Your inability to sleep

Sleep disorders can be serious and it is important to seek the advice of your physician, if you check out the quality of your sleep. Some of these disorders can be treated by the aid of doctor or therapist. of the patient often times you can use the sleep study. Sleep research can provide information on how the patient sleep gets in a given period of time and what is the quality of sleep. The key to the treatment of diagnosis is adequate, so sooner than later search medical care.

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