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2011年2月9日 星期三

Proper management or sleep APNEA

There are three categories available for sleep APNEA: 1.) obstructive pulmonary sleep APNEA-this type involve physical blocking in the airways of people; 2.) the central sleep APNEA-this happens when the respiratory tract is not receiving a proper signal "breathing" of the brain; and 3.) Mixed sleep APNEA, which combines the first two types. It is considered that the first one is to be the most common type of disorders where the best you can see its effects.

To help you get rid of the minor sleep APNEA, read to learn the most common ways to do this.

Retain the system loss of weight. Overweight people usually have obstructive pulmonary sleep APNEA Add due to ed fats around the neck. The loss of at least 10% of the weight would increase the quality of your sleep especially.

Never drink alcohol or sedatives, tobacco before bed or anywhere near the bedroom. Are specially made pillows, you can buy to help you sleep comfortably will be. If possible try to sleep. In Add ition never put anything in your DNA, which can wake you up when you accidentally sleep, like bowls, for example.

Keep sleeping cycle. Remove unwanted distortions such as light and noise. You know you have tonight without the negative consequences of obstructive pulmonary sleep APNEA, if you can do this while sleeping on time.

Try using POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE the (continuous positive Airway pressure).

This method by using a mask connected to your computer. This ensures that pressure is regularly pumped out your airways to leave it open. In this way, Your breathing is ensured for the normal and regular. In the past few years has been proved effective in giving people more comfortable sleep, direct contrast to the conclusion that people get traumatized as they are not heard during wear masks.

Recently there are upgrades done. One of them is the two-tier PAP machines, where air pressure is the same as the amount released, you can breathe. Another is automatically PAP, where you can adjust the air pressure personally, instead it flow continuously in your airways.

The use of oral sharing restrictions:

For mild to moderate APNEA sleep you may doctor may recommend the use of oral appliances. This keeps the lower jaw forward by applying restrictions to open airways. This device is very easy to handle due to its low weight. Is able to use a PPC machine, although the side effects to report users.

Undergoing surgery:

Surgery is one of the options people take completely cure sleep APNEA. Having surgery may involve the removal of the adenoids, tonsils, and excess tissue in the nostrils. However, the best, remember that you are involved in the operations of the risk. Where the condition of surgery impaired after they have been reported in some cases. So think twice before.

Natural insomnia preserving methods may be the best method of effective curing sleep APNEA. These methods can help people with this disorder to sleep well and comfortably. You can also make use of insomnia available treatments and type.

Want to learn more about the of sleep APNEA? then visit us today on

