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2011年1月30日 星期日

Would definitely stay there and sleep disorders explained

Studies have shown that approximately 40% of adults living in the U.S. snore. Because the Snoring is so common, many people don't think twice about this or pursue, this may be a sign of something much more serious. Snoring could indeed be the precursor to some sleep disorders, which can be quite serious.

Characterized by Snoring sleep with one of the most common, but potentially serious disorder is often sleep APNEA. sleep APNEA is a condition in which the person to stop breathing periodically during sleep, ten seconds or longer intervals. When a person starts breathing again this results in a lack of oxygen to the body, which can cause problems with the heart and of potential mild brain damage. Some of the characters other than loud and disruptive Snoring include the morning headaches, feeling tired all day insomnia, and the need for frequent NAPS.

Most people with sleep APNEA has obstructive pulmonary sleep APNEA. This means that sleep APNEA is caused by certain types of obstacles to the Airways. This is usually caused by soft tissue in the throat ' closed for periods of time to stop breathing for that person. Obstructive pulmonary sleep APNEA may be caused by the anatomy of the jaws and throat, or may be brought obesity by. sleep APNEA can cause serious heart problems, so if you suspect that you have sleep APNEA you should see your doctor immediately.

There are several different treatment options, obstructive pulmonary sleep APNEA. If you have a minor case sleep APNEA (need special tests to determine the validity of the sleep position) may simply weight or try sleeping on your side. However, if your doctor have determined that your sleep APNEA more serious POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE may be. POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE continuous positive Airways and is a device which aircraft to remain open. Another possibility is Bi-PAP, which offers air in two different pressures, exhalation and inhalation.

Another possibility surgery is. The objective surgery is to increase the size of the upper air flow to prevent closure, while the person is asleep. However, due to the anatomy of surgery this type is not always possible to completely effective.

If you believe that you have sleep APNEA doctor, and they can help you determine what is the correct course of action for you.

Thomas Wilson writes APNEA, Snoring and other sleep disorder sleep sleep conditions for the website. Learn more and sign up for our free newsletter in

