Engineering expertise is taking on an increasingly important role in the design for manufacturability in the world of metal stamped parts and springs. Especially in today's new medical devices and firearms, technical expertise is valuable in driving manufacturing costs.
Expertise in prototyping parts to test and demonstrate design concepts by proposing ways to reduce the subtasks that reduces costs, and providing value engineering consulting expertise, engineering skills are essential to ensure the success of projects. Each is built on a foundation of communications and two-way dialogue opens lines of communication.
An example is a large medical device company, why CSS produces a sealed flat spring beneath the water tank system continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) used to treat sleep care. Working with the company, CSS developed an initial prototype and worked with a number of design iterations before settling on a good design that could meet the requirements. A short run of 2,500 has proven planning, and more than 750,000 of machinery manufactured since then.
Tagged with:continuous positive airway pressure ‧ CPAP ‧ CPAP Device ‧ Medical Device ‧ ‧ Apnea sleep Sleep apnea devices ‧ Treat sleep Apnea
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