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2011年4月17日 星期日

Snoring can be a silent killer!

They say, Osteoporosis is a silent killer because it is almost impossible to detect until the damage is already done to your bone mass. It is considered a "silent" killer, because it is usually only discovered when the patient has required treatment for broken bones or compression fractures. The condition that fall under the category of "silent" killer that can lead to underlying serious and even deadly disease is known as the sleep apnea. Insomnia cure develop years more and more people are turning to sleep clinics and specialists to diagnose their sleeplessness-only to find out, they have developed this very problematic condition.

Sleep apnea caused by gaps in breathing during sleep. A standard definition of an apneic event becomes 10 continuous second space between breaths. This can lead to a blood oxygen saturation of the-3 to 4%. This condition is usually diagnosed with a night sleep study is called a polysomnogram. Now, I will not bore you with medical terminology, but it is worth noting that a decrease in your blood oxygen night after night undiagnosed in years has many negative effects on your good care.

Sleep apnea is defined in two main categories: "obstructive" which is the more common form and occurs when throat muscles relax. "Central" apnea is the second form, and occurs when your brain can't send appropriate signals to the muscles that control breathing. In addition, some people have a "complex" form of suffering, which is a combination of both central and obstructive apnea.

Some medical problems that may be caused by chronic disruption in sleep breathing are:

* heart disease
* high blood pressure
* sexual dysfunction
* learning/memory problems
* Cardiovascular problems
* Complications with medicine and surgery

There are other areas that may be seriously affected by diagnosed sleep apnea, these only scratch the surface.

Are you in danger?
If you can answer Yes to any of the following human conditions, you may be in danger.

1. If you have high blood pressure or hypertension, is not uncommon for apnea.
2. You may have inherited a natural narrow neck or have extended adnoids and/or tonsils, all of which can clog your airway.
3. If you are a male, probably you statistically twice as to develop sleep apnea.
4. it seems 2 to 3 times more often in adults over 65 years of age.
5. A family history puts you at increased risk.
6. the use of alcohol, sedatives or tranquilizers relax muscles in your throat and may lead to blocking.

There has been remarkable progress in the treatment of this disorder, so if you are at all suspicious about this issue, see sleep specialist to find out about the latest therapies, such as CPAP, oral appliances or even surgery. Treatments vary depending on the type of apnea is diagnosed with you, but all are very effective.

Do you want to Try to control your condition before or after sleep specialist consultation, there are a couple of lifestyle adjustments you should make to relieve the symptoms, but remember it is important to listen to advice from your clinician. The following treatments are not cures (of course), but they can help to provide some relief.

1. Lose excess weight. Even a slight decrease in weight can help relieve lung problems in your neck.
2. Avoid alcohol, sleep Med and tranquilizers.
3. sleep on your side or abdomen rather than your back.
4. keep your nasal passages open at night using a saline nasal spray. Decongestants and antihistamines work and/or, but most of these types of medicines for use in the short term only.
5. raising your torso and head for 4-6 inches below your sleep.

Remember, if you suspect that you or someone you love may have sleep apnea, don't wait for someone to nag you to find out. Contact sleep specialist and take a proper test now. You can add years to your life by being proactive.

Irene Mckay has worked in sleep research for a decade, specializing in clinical studies to improve the quality of restful sleep in individuals suffering from chronic and intermittent insomnia. She runs research and treatment Web site called insomnia cure where she critiques and explains different insomnia treatments.

Her works have been included in the medical journals and have completed a dissertation titled "How the quality of your sleep affects the quality of Your Life", featured on a prominent international medical Convention in 2006. She is passionate and heartfelt in his desire to help people achieve a better lifestyle through proven and well-documented health systems.

