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2011年6月21日 星期二


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2011年6月20日 星期一

To Cure Sleep Apnea, Combine Apnea Exercises and Weight Loss!

You snore when you sleep and this is not only causing you disturbed sleep but is responsible for irritating people in your family as well, especially your spouse who shares the same bed with you! But did you know that however insignificant role this small disturbance may be causing you, if ignored, snoring can eventually lead you to a more serious sleep disorder called sleep apnea? This is a distressing disorder which not only causes discomfort in the short term, but can also have fatal consequences including heart attack, stroke and even death.

Therefore, in your best interest, it is important that you treat sleep apnea as soon as you see the early signs - and for you it is snoring. Interestingly, chances are that you are overweight too and if you can lose some weight, your sleep disorder can be under control too! But how can you stop or prevent apnea without having to resort to expensive and cumbersome devices or allopathic medicines? The problem of sleep apnea, however severe it may be, can actually be stopped as well as prevented by doing some simple apnea exercises! Sounds too simple to be true?

What is the best part about these apnea exercises is that you can always combine them with some exercising schedules designed for weight loss. Here is some food for thought, when you want to lose weight at the same time treat sleep apnea:

Sleep apnea is a condition common with people who are overweight. Therefore you on one hand you need to lose those extra pounds not just around your abdomen or hip but also strengthen the muscles of your throat, nose and mouth.
The best way to stop apnea is to prevent it in the first place. You can therefore effectively combine two goals: lose weight by following a weight loss program and do apnea exercises.
Your first aim to lose weight is to do the following: have a balanced diet; do some forms of physical exercise to burn fat; bring some healthy alterations to your lifestyle choices and of course delete fried and over-sweetened foods.
You could simultaneously start to strengthen your otolaryngologic muscles, that is, the muscles of your mouth, nose and throat which are responsible for blocking the air passages when you inhale and exhale. In fact, this blockage is causing snoring and sleep apnea.
Apnea exercises consist of a series of routine programs which are designed to strengthen the muscles of your tongue, jaws, soft palate of your mount that are weak and flaccid. The apnea exercises aim to put more strength into these muscles so that they regain their firmness. Once firm, they would not flap or drop while you sleep.
You have to remember that your twin aims to lose weight and do apnea exercises to control your sleep apnea problems should run parallel. While you can take up walking, alternate walking with jogging, swimming or cycling on the recumbent bicycle at the gym, you can also do the recommended apnea exercises when you are at home.
Some of the apnea exercises designed exclusively to stop or prevent sleep apnea include: tongue curling; making your tongue touch and press the roof of your mouth; chewing a gum stick slowly and gradually intensifying it for two to 3 minutes for strengthening your jaw muscles; palate exercising by trying to practice some singing to exercise your vocal chords.

Marc MacDonald, M.Sc., is an independent sleep apnea and weight loss researcher. To get your free, 7-day e-course on sleep apnea weight loss please click here.

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2011年6月19日 星期日

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2011年6月18日 星期六

How Do You Know Whether You Have Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea -- apnoea for those given to Latin spellings -- is the term for what happens when you stop breathing during your sleep The word "apnea" actually comes from ancient Greek and means "lack of breath." It's a fairly common disorder that affects millions of Americans. Depending on the degree of breath interruption, it can be a life-threatening disorder. You may be thinking, "OK, I snore a lot, but nobody ever died from snoring." In truth, your snoring may be an indication that you're not getting good quality sleep. Lack of good quality sleep could cause you to fall asleep at the wheel of your car or truck. Your death certificate won't list "snoring" as the cause of death; but snoring can be a sign that you're having sleep difficulties that could have extremely serious consequences.

An apneic episode can last from as little as ten seconds to as long as a minute. These episodes don't just interfere with your breathing, they also interfere with your sleep. If you are dealing with sleep apnea, you probably find yourself struggling so hard to breathe that you wake yourself up. But you may not remember, come morning, just how hard you had to work -- and how often you woke -- just to breathe.


Sleep researchers generally recognize three types of sleep apnea. These, in decreasing order of occurrence, are obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, and mixed sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is far-and-away the most common of the three. It defines a physical blockage of the airway, typically caused by extreme soft tissue relaxation in the throat. Briefly, your throat closes up, you can't breathe, then the brain recognizes that you're choking (cued in by changes in your oxygen levels) and "tells" the musculature to open up so you can resume breathing.

Central sleep apnea doesn't involve a blockage of the airway. Rather, the brain itself fails to send appropriate signals to your breathing mechanisms. When your oxygen level signals a problem, the brain "jump starts" and resumes breathing. Central sleep apnea is much less common that in obstructive sleep apnea. This is a medical condition that you should discuss -- at some length, if necessary -- with your doctor.

Mixed sleep apnea is a combination of the obstructive and central sleep apneas. This is extremely rare and tends to be treated in much the same way as OSA.


You should begin to suspect sleep apnea if you're frequently excessively sleepy during the daytime. This is one of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea. You don't get any rest at night -- or far less sleep than you need, anyway -- because you're constantly waking up, desperately trying to breathe. These constant interruptions to the deep sleep that your body needs every night can result in more than just excessive tiredness.

If you're a noisy snorer -- ask your bed partner -- that's often an indication that you're having to deal with sleep apnea. Severe sleep apnea frequently results in additional daytime symptoms that your family and friends may notice before you do. Such daytime symptoms include -- but are not limited to -- the following:

Changes in behavior and/or mood.
Drifting off to sleep during a busy work day.
Extreme tiredness during the day.
Increased heart rate.
Increased need to urinate or episodes of bed-wetting.
Lack of concentration.
Morning headaches.
Weight gain.

If you're experiencing these symptoms, make an appointment to discuss them with your doctor. Do not assume that these symptoms will just go away, or that they're not precursors to a serious problem.

Copyright (c) William Johnson 2008

I'm Bill Johnson, the webmaster of I research and write articles on the topic of sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. Please visit my site for additional information about insomnia and sleep apnea.

2011年6月17日 星期五

A Definition of Sleep Apnea and Its Causes

There are several different types of sleep apnea, the most common being obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. OSA basically means that some type of obstruction causes a person to stop breathing while they are sleeping. While the person will start breathing again this can cause long term health issues, some of them quite serious.

There are many reasons why a person may suffer from sleep apnea. One such reason has to do with the anatomy of the throat. When a person is sleeping it is natural for the muscles of the throat to relax to a certain point. However, some people have a very narrow airway and when the muscles relax they can sometimes get in the way of air flow. This can either cause snoring or a complete temporary blockage of air which is known as sleep apnea.

In some people there is no anatomical reason for their sleep apnea. They simply stop breathing for a period of ten seconds or more during sleep. They are often awoken when they begin gasping for breath. People with sleep apnea often don't get a good night's rest since they are constantly being woken up. Sleep apnea sufferers often have feel tired and irritable throughout the day.

Some people with sleep apnea are not really fully awoken during the night and may have no idea that they even have sleep apnea. Snoring is seen by our society as a minor irritation, not the potential sign of a serious health problem. If someone has commented on your snoring you may want to see your doctor to ensure it isn't the sign of sleep apnea.

Some other symptoms that may signify that you have sleep apnea include morning headaches, snoring, feeling tired throughout the day, high blood pressure, hyperactivity, poor memory, inability to concentrate, and swollen legs. If you have one or more of these symptoms you should talk to your doctor.

Your doctor will be able to run a test called a polysomnogram or PSG which can rule out sleep apnea. This test is very effective in helping to determine sleep apnea and measures brainwaves, eye movement, heart rate, oxygen levels, breathing rate, muscle activity and amount of air being inhaled and exhaled. The PSG will be able to tell your doctor if you have sleep apnea and how serious of a case it is.

Rudy Watkins answers the question what is sleep apnea and other related topics on the Apnea Guide website. Visit to learn more and sign up for our free newsletter. Convert for cheap

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2011年6月16日 星期四

Is it a Good Idea to Use a Pillow For Sleep Apnea?

A pillow for sleep apnea may help in mild OSA that has a positional component and also can help with the snoring. In fact, initially the pillow for sleep apnea was designed to help the people with snoring.

According to a study, "Body position during sleep influences the frequency of apneas and hypopneas in 50 to 60% of individuals with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)" (Prevalence of Positional Sleeping Apnea in Patients Undergoing Polysomnography).

So, position is quite important during the sleep. In fact people who suffer from sleeping apnea (SA) and are kept off the back sleeping can look quite normal, as many people suffering from SA do not know they are having this condition.

This is where a pillow for sleep apnea can be helpful. Of course, this doesn't mean that it will work with everyone, but it surely worked for some people, who now are happy because they have regained their sleep and, as a consequence, they have enough energy to feel great and get involve in different activities, like they used before.

A good idea would be to monitor the effectiveness of the pillow for sleep apnea. See for yourself if it really works for you.

This can be done in two ways:

Using a fully data-capable PAP device at home
Having an overnight sleep study (polysomnography)

Doing so, you will also have "scientific" proof that the pillow for sleep apnea works, besides the fact that you feel better.

According to another sleep study, 49.5% of Mild, 19.4% of Moderate and 6.5% of Severe random SA sufferers normalized sleep by staying off their backs.

There are several manufacturers for sleeping apnea pillows. Soma is a very well known manufacturer, which produces such a pillow for sleep apnea that is FDA approved. According to doctors, the pillow also brings the jaw forward, this way the tongue doesn't fall backwards creating an obstruction to the airways.

If you are rolling your tongue backwards (OSA) while you are sleeping and you start snoring because you are sleeping in the supine position, a pillow that is high enough at the center and inclined on the sides will serve in two ways:

First, to avoid the supine position, and
Second, by moving your jaw and tongue forward instead of backward

Of course, this doesn't mean that you will cure the problem, but it will help, even if you use a CPAP. With this pillow, you can put your arm on the side and so you have more comfort and space between your arm and body, instead of just squeezing your arms under the weight of your body while sleeping on your side, and therefore it avoids the arms to get numbed because of the lack or cut of blood circulation.

To learn more about the pillow for sleep apnea and how it can benefit you, visit the site Clicking here you will find what are the shapes and forms of sleep apnea pillows, a description of this kind of pillows and other useful information.

2011年6月15日 星期三

The Dangers of Sleep Apnea

Do you ever awaken during the night to find yourself feeling like you're choking or having a hard time breathing? No, it probably wasn't a nightmare, and it's most likely a condition that needs to be looked into. With these symptoms it's very possible that you have Sleep Apnea which can be a severe sleep disorder.

Other symptoms to look for include snoring that's so persistent it wakes your partner, morning headaches, and dry mouth. If these symptoms apply to you, you need to see a doctor right away. They are all indications that you might be a victim of Sleep Apnea.

You've undoubtedly heard about people having sleep disorders, and Sleep Apnea can be one of the most severe on the list. "Apnea" comes from the Greek and means "want of breath". During an Apnea episode, your breathing is disrupted by either slowing down or stopping altogether for a short period of time. These disruptions can occur as often as 20 times in only one hour, and each episode can mean a 20 second period during which your body is near death.

Sleep Apnea is a dangerous condition that not only destroys your sleep but also affects your entire body. There are three different types of sleep apnea, and in their worst stages, all three of them can be deadly.

The Widespread Problem of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

The condition known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea is the most common type. During sleep, the muscles in your soft palate, which are located around the base of your tongue, relax and obstruct your airway. When this happens, the oxygen level in your blood decreases causing hypoxia, your blood pressure goes up, and a great deal of stress is placed on your heart. All of these difficulties keep you from going into the deeper, sounder phases of the sleep cycle which means your body starts suffering from sleep deprivation. To add to the problem, you will experience snoring and choking which can awaken you several times a night. Your body becomes desperate for sleep.

Rare but Lethal Central Sleep Apnea

Central Sleep Apnea is a much rarer condition that Obstructive Apnea, because it's caused by a flaw in the brain. In this condition your brain gives the wrong or delayed messages to your body's breathing mechanisms. Because of these faulty signals, throat, abdominal and oral breathing all stop at the same time for a few seconds. Even though it doesn't last long, it can still lower the amount of oxygen that gets to your blood and tissues and can lead to high blood pressure, an irregular heartbeat, and heart stroke.

Dual Causes of Mixed Sleep Apnea

If you suffer from both of the conditions described above, Obstructive Apnea and Central Apnea, you are said to have Mixed Sleep Apnea. In this condition you have the combined symptoms of relaxed throat muscles and flawed breathing signals from your brain, and the combination can obviously be much more detrimental to your health.

Since Obstructive Sleep Apnea is the most common form of apnea that people suffer from, it's a good idea for everyone to know exactly what symptoms to look for as well as what causes the condition and how it can be treated in case you, or someone in your family, develop the problem.

What Causes Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

There are a number of different factors that can obstruct your airway while you're sleeping and bring on episodes of Obstructive Apnea. You might have muscles in your tongue and throat that shrink too much when your body relaxes in sleep allowing them to block the function of your airway. In addition, if you are overweight, your airway can be obstructed by the soft tissue in your throat becoming larger and stiffer. If your adenoids or tonsils become enlarged, that, too, can disrupt your airflow.

What are the Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Waking because you're choking and having problems breathing and snoring are very common symptoms of Obstructive Apnea. Being very sleepy during daytime hours can also be a sign that your sleep is being disrupted. With this form of of the condition you can lose the ability to concentrate, suffer from dry mouth, wake with headaches, experience a rapid weight gain, or have lethargy, high blood pressure, and possibly depression.

What Treatment is Available for Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

There are things that you can do to prevent or halt the progression of Obstructive Apnea even if you haven't yet seen a doctor about the condition. The solution to the problem might be as easy as losing weight, changing your sleep position, or eliminating alcohol from your evening routine. In more severe cases, medical treatments may be needed, however. Some of the more common medical procedures used to treat apnea include Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), Oxygen Administration, and surgeries such as a tracheostomy.

If you have reason to believe that you might have sleep apnea and are exhibiting the symptoms outlined above, never put off going to a doctor thinking you can treat the problem yourself. A visit to your doctor will confirm the condition and its causes so that you can follow the right mode of treatment for a speedy recovery.

You deserve a better nights sleep. Visit for more tips on improving reaction time [] and sleep disorder centers [] and improve the quality of your sleep tonight.

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2011年6月14日 星期二

Sleep Apnea and Depression

Many people have wondered whether there is a correlation between sleep apnea and depression. There have been studies done on the correlation between them and the majority of studies have concluded that there is an association. These same studies have determined that depression symptoms lessen with the treatment of sleep apnea. If sleep apnea is untreated then the depression symptoms have remained.

Studies have also shown that people with depression are five times likely to have a breathing related sleep disorder than people who are not depressed. If depressed, it may be a good idea to consult with your doctor to determine whether you have a sleep disorder. Sleep apnea and depression are disorders that can disrupt your life immensely.

Depressed people may also suffer from chronic snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Sleep apnea and depression if left untreated can disrupt a persons family, professional and social life.

It is known though that the symptoms of depression and obstructed sleep apnea are common to both of these disorders thus there being a close relationship between the two.

Sleep disorders like sleep apnea and insomnia prevent you from getting a good nights rest. Hence, a lack of sleep makes you irritable and in a bad mood and just takes the life out of you. The result of a lack of result could be decreased performance at work, increased risk of injury or mistake. These are depression-causing symptoms. As you can see, there is a correlation between sleep apnea and depression.

Insomnia can disrupt a person's life just like sleep apnea. Insomnia causes a person to start worrying about getting enough sleep. As it escalates, you begin to get depressed. Depression can also cause a person to experience insomnia.

Many shift workers will experience disorders such as insomnia and depression because they find it impossible to sleep during the day. Sleep apnea and depression can also cause severe sleeping problems in shift workers as well. People who live in northern climates that see a reduction in sunlight during the winter months experience a disorder called SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).

Studies have been conducted that suggest that obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is definitely associated with a higher rate of depression and that people who get their sleep apnea treated could have their depression controlled as well. A specific study done where eighteen thousand people in five different countries were contacted by telephone to answer questions on sleep patterns, sleep schedules, breathing related sleep disorders, mental disorders and other medical conditions. The results were that 2.1 percent of the people questioned had sleep apnea and 2.5 percent had another type of breathing-related sleep disorder. Eighteen percent of the people who had a depressive type disorder also had a breathing-related sleep disorder. Thus, a five-time increase in likelihood of a breathing-related disorder among people with a depressive disorder. Sleep apnea and depression were linked according to this study. One thing the study cannot confirm is what came first, the sleep apnea or the depression. It is clear though that more research needs to be done on this subject.

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? Our site focuses on sleep apnea treatments and symptoms for sufferers of sleep apnea.
by T. D. Houser

Feliway Plug-In Diffuser with Refill, 48 Milliliters

Feliway Plug-In Diffuser with Refill, 48 MillilitersThe secret to this innovative product is not a drug or a tranquilizer, but pheromones, natural chemicals secreted by animals to communicate. Feliway mimics the facial pheromone released by cats to calm and reassure other cats. The Comfort Zone plug-in will relax your kitten or cat in these stressful situations and more: when transporting, boarding or hospitalizing, when moving to a new home, and when introducing a new household member. Just screw the plug-in onto the bottle, gently tighten, and plug into an ordinary household electric socket.

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2011年6月13日 星期一

Serious Health Effects from Sleep Apnea Revealed

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that shouldn't be taken lightly. Unfortunately it isn't something that will simply pass with time. The reality is that it's classified as a "progressive disease", meaning it gets worse over time much like diabetes, cancer or heart disease.

There is some debate among health professionals as to the effect of sleep apnea on other medical conditions. There is a firm connection with some conditions, however - diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and hypertension to name a few.

There is ongoing research being done into how sleep apnea can contribute to these conditions. Several common causes of sleep apnea are smoking, abusing alcohol and being overweight, all of which can lead to heart disease and hypertension. Unfortunately, some people who don't deal with any of these causes still develop sleep apnea and the causes are largely unknown.

During a sleep apnea episode, there is a stoppage of breathing which leads to a higher level of carbon dioxide in the blood (due to the decrease in oxygen). This results in other events - both chemical and physical - taking place in the body and it is believed this is partly the cause of the development of these other conditions.

Researchers have discovered that overweight people who suffer from sleep apnea have high levels of immune factors known as "tumor necrosis factor-alpha" (or TNF-Alpha) and interleukin 6 (IL-6).

Both of these factors in high levels can lead to cell damage, particularly in the arteries. One recent study has shown that people who have higher than normal levels of TNF-Alpha suffered from excessive tiredness, being short of breath and weak heart pumping.

Having said that, thus far there has been no scientifically established relationship between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and heart disease.

A number of studies have been done, examining the link between high blood pressure and sleep apnea. One such study was done in 2000 - it tracked patients over a period of 4 years and showed that a higher number of sleep apnea episodes in the first year increased their risk of developing hypertension by the third and fourth years.

This link was weaker but still present in people who snored or suffered from a mild form of sleep apnea.

At one time the link between hypertension and sleep apnea was thought to be due in a large part to obesity. Recent studies have shown otherwise, however - sleep apnea sufferers have a high occurrence of hypertension regardless of their weight.

Rudy Watkins writes about sleep apnea help and other related topics on the Apnea Guide website. Sign up for our free sleep apnea newsletter at

2011年6月11日 星期六

Indigo Ocean Dreams: 4 Children's Stories Designed to Decrease Stress, Anger and Anxiety while Increasing Self-Esteem and Self-Awareness

Indigo Ocean Dreams: 4 Children's Stories Designed to Decrease Stress, Anger and Anxiety while Increasing Self-Esteem and Self-AwarenessIndigo Ocean Dreams is a 60 minute audio/CD designed to entertain your child in an ocean setting while introducing them to four research-based, stress management techniques. Each story integrates either progressive muscular relaxation, visualizations, breathing, and affirmations (positive statements). Children follow their sea friends along as they use progressive muscular relaxation and breathing to release and manage anger with Angry Octopus. Children build self-esteem with positive believe in yourself statements with Affirmation Weaver. Diaphragmatic breathing is fun with sea otters in Sea Otter Cove. Children enjoy a bubble ride through the ocean as they visualize colors with Bubble Riding. This CD offers longer stories than the first in this series, Indigo Dreams. Ideal for older children ages 6-12, or as step two for those already familiar with Indigo Dreams. Engaging characters present these adult level techniques in an easy to follow format that makes it fun for any child to learn. The male narration is accompanied by calming sounds of dolphins, sea otters, and gentle waves. An additional music sound track is included to further enhance your child's relaxation experience. These proven techniques encourage wellness and provide tools for children who suffer from anxiety, stress, trauma, hyperactivity, anger, pain, sleep issues, and lack of confidence.

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Suisse Sport Adult Adventurer Mummy Ultra-Compactable Sleeping Bag

Suisse Sport Adult Adventurer Mummy Ultra-Compactable Sleeping BagBrand new light weight mummy sleeping bag make by Suisse Sport the brand name you can trust. Perfect for all your outdoor activity. This sleeping bag is the ultimate protection with style.

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2011年6月10日 星期五

Sleep Apnea: A Sleeping Disorder

In the middle of every night, do you suddenly wake up choking and gasping for air? It can not be due to a nightmare every night. You definitely need to look into the matter as you might be suffering from a sleep disorder known as Sleep Apnea.

In the night, does your snoring often make your partner wake up? And in the mornings, are headaches and a dry mouth regular occurrences? As soon as you experience these symptoms, its time to see a doctor, you may be suffering from Sleep Apnea!

Sleep Apnea is a type of sleeping disorder. The word "apnea" is a Greek word, it's meaning, "want of breath". Sleep Apnea is a disorder that causes disruption of breathing during sleep. Your breathing either becomes slow or stops completely during sleep. The frequency of disruption can range up to 20 times in an hour. The duration of disruption can last up to 20 seconds, bringing you close to death.

Sleep Apnea devastates your sleeping routine. It also affects your body. There are three categories of sleep apnea. All three are equally lethal.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a widely prevalent type of sleep apnea. It's caused when your airway gets obstructed due to relaxation of the muscles of the soft palate around the base of tongue. When the airway gets obstructed, it lowers the level of oxygen in the blood and leads to a condition known as hypoxia. It also elevates the blood pressure and increases stress on your heart. These conditions prevent the patient from entering into sound sleep. This makes a person suffer from lack of quality sleep. A person suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea snores in the night and wakes up choking several times and tries desperately to sleep again.

Central Sleep Apnea

Central Sleep Apnea is not common. It is marked by a brain signal flaw. In Central Sleep Apnea, the brain's signals instructing the body to breathe get flawed. As a result of this delayed signal to breathe, throat breathing, abdominal breathing and oral breathing cease simultaneously. Though the duration of interruption lasts a few seconds, it lowers the oxygen supply to blood and tissues significantly. A person suffering from central sleep apnea experiences high blood pressure, irregular heart beat and even heart stroke.

Mixed Sleep Apnea

Mixed Sleep Apnea is a condition characterized by a person experiencing the combination of symptoms of the two Sleep Apnea conditions-- Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Central Sleep Apnea.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea is highly prevalent and common in people suffering from Sleep Apnea disorder. Let's look deep into the symptoms, causes and treatments required for Obstructive Sleep Apnea.


There can be several causes that lead to the obstruction of your airway passage during sleep, leading to Obstructive Sleep Apnea. One of the major reasons is that your throat muscles and tongue relax and shrink excessively than normal.

If you are overweight, the soft tissue in your throat can become stiff and enlarged and causes obstruction in the airway passage. The other reasons could be increased size of your adenoids and tonsils, which further contribute in the disruption of flow of air.


The common symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea are choking and gasping for air several times in the night. Snoring loudly is also among a number of symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. If you suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea, you would experience sleepiness during the daytime as well. You would not be able to concentrate and would suffer from dry throat and headache in the mornings. Among other symptoms are rapid weight gain, lethargy, high blood pressure, and lack of concentration and even depression.


There are many treatments available for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. The common ones are losing weight, avoiding alcohol consumption during the evening and sleeping on your side. Medical treatments include Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) and Oxygen Administration. Surgeries are also performed and tracheostomy is a surgery used in treatment of severe Sleep Apnea conditions.

If you feel you are displaying symptoms of sleep apnea you should visit your doctor immediately for formal diagnosis.

2011年6月9日 星期四

Fisher-Price Ocean Wonders Soothe and Glow Seahorse Blue

Fisher-Price Ocean Wonders Soothe and Glow Seahorse BlueSometimes baby needs a little help falling asleep. With a gentle squeeze, this cuddly friend glows and plays soft music, lullabies and soothing sounds of the ocean. After five minutes the music fades, lights dim and baby drifts to sleep. Includes eight lullabies and power/volume control for quiet play. Requires three "AA" batteries, included.

Price: $14.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年6月8日 星期三

What is Sleep Apnea?

Do you snore loud enough to keep your partner from getting a restful sleep? Do you wake frequently through the night, have difficulty staying awake at night? Do you fall asleep at work or while driving? You may also wake at night with your chest feeling tight and gasping for air. These are some common conditions of sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea is a sleeping disorder that is treatable and curable. However, you should see your doctor if you are suffering from these symptoms.

Excessive weight gain or restricted airway passages in your throat are the causes of sleep apnea. A restricted airway passage may cause a persons heart to stop beating briefly and this causes the body to gasp for air in a panic like state. Sufferers of sleep apnea may not be aware of this heart stopping panic.

As the sleep apnea conditions develop, sufferers may experience a low libido without even knowing why. Sleep apnea sufferers may also have trouble staying awake while at work or driving, which can be extremely dangerous.

It is important to note that snoring does not always indicate a person has a sleep apnea disorder. A person with sleep apnea snores very deeply and fully and the person snores through the mouth rather than the nose. A sleep apnea sufferers' chest will rise more severely as the person appears to be in a deep sleep. The snoring will stop for a few seconds and then the breathing becomes less prominent, the breathing then stops and the person begins snoring loudly and may gasp for air and then the person may wake themselves up. Now, if the person does not wake up, they are prevented from reaching the normal rapid eye movement stage of sleep due to their constant struggle for air during their sleep period.

The person who suffers from sleep apnea is constantly exhausted. The libido decreases, maybe even causing marital problems. The sleep apnea sufferer loses their motivation and simple chores become taxing.

Sleep apnea, in extreme conditions can become life threatening. When the heart is not beating, it can cause a heart attack and/or suffocation. There are a considerable number of people that suffer from sleep apnea, that do not know they even have it. These same people may just feel that they are tired all the time. They suffer from low motivation and low sex drive but do not know why.

If you feel you have sleep apnea, you should contact your doctor or contact the American Sleep Apnea Association if you live in the United States.

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? Our site offers tips and advice on Sleep Apnea by T.D. Houser

2011年6月7日 星期二

Everything You Wanted To Know About Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea means "without breath" - in Greek. Apnea is a severe sleep disorder during which your process of respiration is hampered causing tremendous problem in sleeping. In case of a sleep apnea, the patient may have periodical starting and stopping of breath up to 100 times per night.

The Two Types of Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea

This occurs when the soft tissue at the back of the throat tends to relax when you are fast asleep. However, this is a more known fact in case of obese males who are more than forty years of age.

Central sleep apnea

This mainly occurs due to the failure of the central nervous system. There is lack of synchronization between the muscles meant for controlling the breath and the brain. Those who suffer from neuromuscular disorder have greater chances of suffering from sleep apnea.

What Are The Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

You suddenly wake up at night and start walking repeatedly

When you sleep you tend to snore loudly

Your sleep is disturbed in the middle of the night thus making you suffer from sore throat and a choking feeling

Your sleep at night is insufficient and due to this, you tend to feel sleepy throughout the day.

Detriments of Sleep Apnea

Your inability to exhibit your performance at the work place

If you are a student, you fail to show better results in class

You suffer from hypertension and cardiac problems

You tend to experience several road accidents

How is Sleep Apnea diagnosed?

As soon as you feel that you have sleep apnea, you must try to get your sleep assessment done with the help of a Polysomnogram (PSG). This examination is done to keep a record of the function of the lungs, activities of the brain and muscles, availability of blood oxygen when you are asleep at night, the movement of your eyes and your heart beat.

A second type of test is done when you are made to fall asleep during the day in order to keep a track of the occurrence of your brain impairments. MLST is what an Apnea study is known as.

How To Treat Sleep Apnea

If you are a mild sufferer of sleep apnea, you can take the help of traditional apnea therapy to get rid of the situation. These traditional measures include:

Weight loss in case of obese people

Avoidance of sleeping peels, alcohol and cigarettes

A side ways sleeping posture rather than sleeping on the back

At times, you are also recommended to wear apnea masks. These masks cover the portion of your nose and mouth through which the air blows. In this way, the air is allowed to have a regular and continuous pass towards the upper airway. The air pressure is brought under control and the tissues are prevented from breaking down. If you want a successful outcome, you have to follow the procedure methodically and repeatedly.

Apnea therapy also makes use of oral and dental devices. This however, prevents the tongue from choking the throat or the lower portion of the jaw in front while you enjoy a cozy siesta. Such valuable devices are given shape by experienced dentists to keep the air passage open.

When nothing seems successful in treating sleep apnea, the last door you can knock is of the apnea surgery. This form of medication is apt for those who are suffering from nasal septum disorder and those who have extra large tonsils or quite a constricted throat. The different types of sleep apnea surgery include

Nasal surgery to rectify obstructions like a deviated septum

Somnoplasty in which the soft tissues are reduced in the upper airway

Mandibular maxillar surgery, which is made to correct throat blockages and face muscles

Uyulopalatopharyngoplasty is a kind of procedure used for the proper removal of the soft tissues at the back of the throat and the palate

It is not an easy task to get rid of sleep apnea, but once you decide to do so, every step that you take has to be well measured and well contemplated.

For additional information as well as other articles on sleep apnea cures please visit the web site below.sleep apnea cures

Sleeping Beauty (Fully Restored Limited Edition) (Walt Disney's Masterpiece) [VHS]

Sleeping Beauty (Fully Restored Limited Edition) (Walt Disney's Masterpiece)  [VHS]Disney's 1959 animated effort was the studio's most ambitious to date, a widescreen spectacle boasting a gorgeous waltz-filled score adapting Tchaikovsky. In the 14th century, the malevolent Maleficent (not dissimilar to the wicked Queen in Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) taunts a king that his infant Aurora will fatally prick her finger on a spinning wheel before sundown on her 16th birthday. This, of course, would deny her a happily-ever-after with her true love. Things almost but not quite turn out that way, thanks to the assistance of some bubbly, bumbling fairies named Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. It's not really all that much about the title character--how interesting can someone in the middle of a long nap be, anyway? Instead, those fairies carry the day, as well as, of course, good Prince Phillip, whose battle with the malevolent Maleficent in the guise of a dragon has been co-opted by any number of animated films since. See it in its original glory here. And Malificent's castle, filled with warthogs and demonic imps in a macabre dance celebrating their evil ways, manages a certain creepy grandeur. --David Kronke

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2011年6月6日 星期一

The Different Aspects of Sleep Apnea

There are now lots of researchers who are looking into the sleep disorder commonly know as sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can be described as the pausing of ones breathing at night while you are asleep.

This is now a problem that quite a lot of people are faced with and also need help to treat it. There are up and coming new discoveries that could help to find new ways to get treatment for these sleep breathing disorders such as sleep apnea.

In the main there are two different types of sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea which is caused by the obstructions of the airway passages. This obstruction could be anything from the enlargement of ones tonsils, to fat that is found in and around the neck area. Just about anything can be the cause for this type of sleep apnea. There can be lots of different reasons for this problem and for this purpose one should check with their doctor.

A few of the sleep apnea basics that one could learn, can help a person have a better understanding of the problem, as well as help them find a way to treat it. One particular sign of sleep apnea is loud snoring. This is an good indication of breathing problems or blocked air passages. The cessation of breathing or even some mild choking spells in the middle of the night is also a warning sign of sleep apnea.

Lots of people who suffer, have no idea that they even have this type of problem. They may not realize what they are doing while sleeping. The choking and gasping may possibly not affect everyone, and if does, the person may not remember it when they wake up.

The second type of sleep apnea disorder is called central sleep apnea. This can cause the person to stop breathing while they are asleep. With central sleep apnea, the body will simply forget to breathe. It is a neurological dysfunction that is caused by failure of the brain to issue an actual command to keep on breathing while sleeping. This is a fairly new discovery that has determined the area of where this problem has originated.

There have been lots of studying to research this problem. Scientists have now found that there are a tiny group of neurons control this function. These neurons may hold clues for causes laying underneath for other breathing disorders and offer an excellent target for medications.

With Sleep apnea the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream can drop way below the normal rate. When this happens, the amount of carbon dioxide will also rise. This condition can cause a shock to the system and it is believed to be the main reason for the on bringing of a heart attack or stroke in people that are suffering from this condition.

If you suspect that you are suffering from sleep apnea, you should check with your doctor as soon as possible. They can perform tests to determine which type of sleep apnea is affecting you. With the results from these tests, your doctor will be able to determine how best to treat it so that you can get the sleep that you so readily deserve and need, so that you may function properly throughout your day.

Alex Wilson is currently one of the article writers and editors for where you will find lots of useful sleep related information, reports, articles and tips.

2011年6月5日 星期日

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

There are three different types of sleep apnea: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) which is the most common, Central Sleep Apnea (CSA), and Mixed Sleep Apnea. Individual's that are diagnosed with OSA repeatedly stop and start breathing during sleep. This repeated stopping and starting of an individual's breathing occurs when the throat muscles intermittently relax during sleep and block an individual's airway.

The most common symptom of OSA is loud snoring; however, not everyone that snores loudly has OSA. There are other conditions that cause snoring as well. Loud snoring with that is punctuated by periods of silence is the type of snoring associated with sleeping issue. Other symptoms of OSA include: excessive daytime sleepiness; shortness of breath after an abrupt awakening; waking up with a dry mouth or sore throat; waking up with a headache; frequent nightly urination; or difficulty staying asleep. Individuals with OSA may also complain of memory problems, mood swings, or depression.

Individuals should seek medical attention for the loud snoring punctuated by periods of silence; if they experience shortness of breath that wakes them from their sleep; pauses in breathing during sleep (this is noticed by a sleep partner rather than the individual with sleeping issue); and excessive daytime drowsiness.

There are certain factors that can put individuals at risk for developing obstructive sleeping issue. These factors include:

- Excess weight, areas of fat around the upper airway can cause a breathing obstruction.

- Neck circumference. Neck size may indicate increased risk of OSA. A neck circumference of more than 17 inches for men and more than 15 inches for women are a considered to be at increased risk for OSA.

- High blood pressure. OSA is fairly common in individuals that suffer from this disorder.

- Narrowed airway. A naturally narrow throat or enlarged tonsils or adenoids may block an individual's airway.

- Chronic nasal congestion. OSA occurs in individuals that have consistent nasal congestion - no matter the cause of the congestion.

- Diabetes - OSA common occurs in individuals who have this disease.

- Male - men are more likely to have OSA.

- Race - African Americans, Hispanic, and individuals from the Pacific Islands are more likely to have OSA.

- Age - OSA commonly occurs in elderly adults.

- Menopause - the risk of a woman to develop OSA increases after menopause.

- Family history - individuals with a family history of sleep apnea are more likely to also to develop sleep apnea.

- Use of alcohol, sedatives, or tranquilizers - individuals using any of these substances cause the throat muscles to relax and the development of sleep apnea.

- Smoking - individuals who smoke are likely to develop OSA.

Obstructive sleep apnea is a series medical condition. Left undiagnosed and/or untreated can lead to the following medical conditions: cardiovascular problems; daytime fatigue; complications with medications and surgery; and sleep deprived partners.

Sleep apnea is diagnosed by a sleep study test called polysomnography (PSG) which is conducted by sleep specialist at a sleep clinic. The PSG test records the biophysiological changes while the patient sleeps. Oximetry screening can also be conducted. This is a screening method that monitors and records an individual's blood oxygen level during sleep. Portable cardiorespiratory testing is also an option. This is a test that is conducted at home to diagnosis sleep apnea.

There are several treatment options for individuals with obstructive sleep apnea. These treatment options include:

o Weight loss.

o The use of a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device. This involves the individual with CSA wearing a mask over the nose while sleeping. The mask is attached by a hose to a pump that supplies constant pressured air. This pressured air keeps the upper airway open and prevents airway closure.

o Mouthpiece. Individuals with OSA can be fitted with an oral device that is specifically designed to keep the throat open.

o Surgery to remove excess tissue from the nose or that causes snoring and/or is blocking the upper air passages causing sleep apnea.

Go to Sleep Apnea Zone to get your free ebook on Sleep Apnea at Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea Zone also has information on obstructive sleep apnea along with a lot of other free information. Come by our new Sleep Apnea Community site today for free ebooks and other free information that can help you today.

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2011年6月3日 星期五

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Pampers SoftCare Scented baby wipes clean gently like a baby's washcloth. Thousands of soft, cleansing buds, plus pure water and pleasant baby powder scent, leave your baby's skin feeling perfectly clean.

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2011年6月2日 星期四

Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Snoring and sleep apnea is a general term for a sleep disorder called obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea (apnea: Greek for "without breath) is characterized by frequent stops in breathing during sleep, as long as a minute, as often as a hundred times per night. Snoring and sleep apnea (obstructive) is the most common form of sleep apnea, occurring when the throat, neck and tongue muscles relax so much they block the airway.

Snoring, caused by air vibrating in the back of the mouth, nose and throat, is a major symptom of snoring sleep apnea. Snoring on its own, however, does not indicate snoring sleep apnea. Nearly fifty percent of normal adults snore on occasion, half of that snore habitually. Many things can cause snoring: poor muscle tone in the tongue, use of alcohol, enlarged tonsils or nasal congestion from allergies.

Snoring, no matter how loud, does not indicate the severity of the blockage in snoring sleep apnea. Obstruction in the airway can create a lot of turbulence and sound, but if the airway is extremely blocked, too little air may exist to make noise at all. The premier indicator of snoring and sleep apnea is when the snoring--and breathing--stops. These episodes of breathlessness, apnea events, often end with a deep gasp. Subsequently, breathing and snoring, resumes.

Snoring and sleep apnea can have serious effects. In addition to the resulting daytime grogginess and decreased functionality from lack of sleep, persons with snoring sleep apnea have an over 40% increased risk of hypertension. In addition, unlike most cases of hypertension, readings for a snoring sleep apnea sufferer do not drop during sleep. Stroke is another consequence, along with a 30% higher risk of heart attack or death.

Snoring and sleep apnea is widespread among the population, affecting over 18 million Americans. Because the symptoms are general, the disorder is greatly under treated. Persons suffering from snoring sleep apnea are usually unaware of the apnea events, and incur rather vague waking symptoms: grogginess, dry mouth, raw throat. Since we are a nation of sleep-deprived people, sufferers often do not recognize the need to consult a physician.

Fortunately, snoring and sleep apnea is easily diagnosed. First, an examination by a physician can pinpoint any structural problems in the mouth and throat. Second, the sufferer may undergo testing at a sleep lab. Third, results of the exam and of the sleep lab are studied to determine if the disorder exists, its severity and the proper plan of treatment.

Treatments for snoring and sleep apnea vary according to severity and the sufferer's medical history. Lifestyle changes such as side sleeping or giving up smoking can greatly reduce the problem. Oral devices can widen the airway by keeping the tongue out of the way, or by pumping air into the throat via a facial mask. Lasers and radio frequencies can reduce tongue size, and surgery, usually a last resort, can remove obstructive tissue or reposition the jaw. Because snoring sleep apnea is a chronic disorder, treatments may be adjusted over time to increase effectiveness.

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? Our site focuses on sleep apnea treatments and symptoms for sufferers of sleep apnea.
by T. D. Houser

Sleeping With CPAP Sleep Apnea Machines

The New Sleep Mate

It is estimated that 18 million Americans are suffering from sleep apnea. This number has escalated over the years. Lifestyle and environment has contributed to the silent epidemic. This sleeping disorder rouses a sleeper to gasp and wheeze for want of air. To cope, people are using Continuous Positive Airway Apnea Pressure or CPAP sleep apnea machines.

The symptoms of apnea are loud snoring, sleepiness, morning headaches, memory impairment, and lack of concentration. Apnea poses risks to drivers who may fall asleep while on the road. If apnea is present in children, they are likely to snore, and lack focus, and drowsy during the daytime. Using breathing CPAP sleep apnea machines help sufferers get better sleep.

Apnea in adults is caused by smoking, drinking, and exposure to allergens. In children, the disorder is caused by enlarged adenoids and tonsils. If these symptoms are detected in any family member, bring them to the doctor for medical evaluation. In the case of children with sleep apnea, surgical removal of the tonsils or adenoids is recommended.

Adults may undergo complicated surgeries, depending on the severity of their apnea. Fortunately, there are alternatives to surgery. Breathing devices like the CPAP sleep apnea machines are available in different models and features. These come in different price tags too. These devices will ensure you get oxygen while you sleep.

How Do These CPAP Sleep Apnea Machines Work?

A good sleep is a combination of body and brain rest. The brain slows down to a slower rhythm, and the body is relaxed. The best sleep is a combination of non-rapid and rapid eye movement. A deep invigorating sleep will leave one feeling fully rested, and physically and mentally alert the following day.

Apnea disturbs this sleep. The frequency of the disturbance robs the sufferer of adequate sleep as he or she has to wake up to gasp for air. But not anymore, if they are using CPAP sleep apnea machines to help them breathe while they are in deep sleep.

The CPAP is a small device; some models are small enough to carry around with convenience. The CPAP contraption has a nasal mask that is connected to the machine. During sleep, the machine forces air into the airways through the nostrils. This keeps the airways open. The doctor determines the air pressure, not you nor the seller.

Once you have your CPAP have the doctor check it regularly; but it is wrong to think that you can just get a CPAP without consulting with your doctor. The doctor can provide you the best option for your condition. CPAP sleep apnea machines have different functions for different needs.

What are the Kinds of CPAP Sleep Apnea Machines?

A CPAP machine must bear FDA approval. Since there are several CPAPs in the market, it is best to have a good one that will be recommended by your doctor.

The automatic ResMed S8 is one CPAP machine with FDA seal of approval. As breath requirements change, the unit will adjust on a breath-by-breath basis. The compact S8 Escape can be toted along, ensuring a good night's sleep anywhere. The C-Flex provides the best possible pressure to provide relief when exhaling.

Whatever the make and the brand, CPAPs have been proven the best cure for Obstructive Sleep Apnea or OSA. They can cost as much as $800 to $400. It is better to buy these offline so you can check the device before paying up.

Obstructive sleep apnea is best cured by CPAP Sleep Apnea Machines. Go to this site now for other sleep apnea solutionssleep apnea solutions; you can also visit this site for information about apnea surgery.

2011年6月1日 星期三

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