Sleep apnea means "without breath" - in Greek. Apnea is a severe sleep disorder during which your process of respiration is hampered causing tremendous problem in sleeping. In case of a sleep apnea, the patient may have periodical starting and stopping of breath up to 100 times per night.
The Two Types of Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea
This occurs when the soft tissue at the back of the throat tends to relax when you are fast asleep. However, this is a more known fact in case of obese males who are more than forty years of age.
Central sleep apnea
This mainly occurs due to the failure of the central nervous system. There is lack of synchronization between the muscles meant for controlling the breath and the brain. Those who suffer from neuromuscular disorder have greater chances of suffering from sleep apnea.
What Are The Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
You suddenly wake up at night and start walking repeatedly
When you sleep you tend to snore loudly
Your sleep is disturbed in the middle of the night thus making you suffer from sore throat and a choking feeling
Your sleep at night is insufficient and due to this, you tend to feel sleepy throughout the day.
Detriments of Sleep Apnea
Your inability to exhibit your performance at the work place
If you are a student, you fail to show better results in class
You suffer from hypertension and cardiac problems
You tend to experience several road accidents
How is Sleep Apnea diagnosed?
As soon as you feel that you have sleep apnea, you must try to get your sleep assessment done with the help of a Polysomnogram (PSG). This examination is done to keep a record of the function of the lungs, activities of the brain and muscles, availability of blood oxygen when you are asleep at night, the movement of your eyes and your heart beat.
A second type of test is done when you are made to fall asleep during the day in order to keep a track of the occurrence of your brain impairments. MLST is what an Apnea study is known as.
How To Treat Sleep Apnea
If you are a mild sufferer of sleep apnea, you can take the help of traditional apnea therapy to get rid of the situation. These traditional measures include:
Weight loss in case of obese people
Avoidance of sleeping peels, alcohol and cigarettes
A side ways sleeping posture rather than sleeping on the back
At times, you are also recommended to wear apnea masks. These masks cover the portion of your nose and mouth through which the air blows. In this way, the air is allowed to have a regular and continuous pass towards the upper airway. The air pressure is brought under control and the tissues are prevented from breaking down. If you want a successful outcome, you have to follow the procedure methodically and repeatedly.
Apnea therapy also makes use of oral and dental devices. This however, prevents the tongue from choking the throat or the lower portion of the jaw in front while you enjoy a cozy siesta. Such valuable devices are given shape by experienced dentists to keep the air passage open.
When nothing seems successful in treating sleep apnea, the last door you can knock is of the apnea surgery. This form of medication is apt for those who are suffering from nasal septum disorder and those who have extra large tonsils or quite a constricted throat. The different types of sleep apnea surgery include
Nasal surgery to rectify obstructions like a deviated septum
Somnoplasty in which the soft tissues are reduced in the upper airway
Mandibular maxillar surgery, which is made to correct throat blockages and face muscles
Uyulopalatopharyngoplasty is a kind of procedure used for the proper removal of the soft tissues at the back of the throat and the palate
It is not an easy task to get rid of sleep apnea, but once you decide to do so, every step that you take has to be well measured and well contemplated.
For additional information as well as other articles on sleep apnea cures please visit the web site below.sleep apnea cures