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2011年5月23日 星期一

Sleep Apnea Cures Are Available Now - Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Millions of people are searching for the best sleep apnea cures. This condition may be more common that you think. It is a disorder that occurs when one's breathing pauses, stops or is reduced for a few seconds to as long as a few minutes. It happens more frequently with adults but also occurs in children, although more rarely. There are three different types: central, obstructive and mixed or complex. Central (CSA) occurs when the brain does not signal your diaphragm muscles to contract so you can actually breathe. Obstructive (OSA) takes place when proper air flow is not maintained as when the airway in the throat becomes blocked, narrowed or floppy. Mixed or complex is a combination of both central and obstructive. Breathing pauses can occur as often as five to thirty times within an hour. OSA is by far the most common type, followed by complex and most rarely CSA.

Here are the symptoms that you or the people around you may experience: noisy snoring, choking, gasping for air during sleep, sleepiness in the daytime, breathing pauses, headaches in the morning, insomnia, frequent bathroom visits, loss of concentration, restlessness, easily irritated and mood swings. You are at greater risk if you are among the following: male, above the age of 65, overweight, smoker, of black, Spanish and/or Pacific Islander ancestry and especially if you have a family history of the disorder.

Common Symptoms and Sleep Apnea Cures

If you are suffering from this kind of sleeping disorder and are looking for the best sleep apnea cures, these treatments might be effective for you:

Losing weight is a commonly recommended natural cure and can be an effective treatment for OSA. When one gains weight, fat often accumulates in the neck, and that fat tissue can obstruct your air passages making it difficult to breathe. Individuals with a neck size greater than 17 inches are at greater risk. Losing weight has many overall health benefits and can often cure this condition.

Smoking increases inflammation and also promotes fluid retention in your throat that could interfere with breathing. Also, many of the contents in cigarettes are stimulants and actually work to keep you awake. Again, stopping smoking has enormous health benefits in addition to helping treat this condition.

Sleeping pills, sedatives and alcohol increase your chance of suffering this sleep disorder as they relax the muscles and interfere with normal breathing. In addition, they can also retard your muscles reactivity to signals from your brain.

Refrain from heavy meals and caffeine a few hours before bedtime as they can cause sleeping difficulty and add to your suffering.

Got to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Regular sleeping habits improve your sleeping and can reduce the occurrence of symptoms.

Elevate your head when sleeping so that your airwaves are kept open. When you lie flat on your back, your jaw and tongue can slide back into the throat disrupting normal air flow. Sleeping on your side can also effectively reduce the incidence of blocked airways that are characteristic of this type of sleep disorder.

Try melatonin, the herb flower Vervain (also called Verbena) or the 5-HTP amino acid. These may calm the brain and relax you so you can sleep more soundly.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or CPAP machines are an extremely common and effective approach for sleep apnea cures. By delivering air under pressure through a mask, the sufferer's airways remain open during breathing, thereby preventing the blockages that cause this condition.

Surgery may be a last option if your condition is severe or at its chronic stage. There are a variety of surgical options. For some sufferers, surgery may be performed to remove the excess tissue in the nose or throat to create a wider air passage. Surgery to realign the jaw can also be effective. Lastly, a tracheotomy can also be performed to completely bypass the blocked airways. Surgery is generally a last option so consult with a sleep expert before surgery to determine the best sleep apnea cure for you.

Sleep Apnea Cures That Work for You

If you suspect you or a loved one has sleep apnea, the first step is to see a physician. He may order a Polysomnography or sleep study to accurately diagnose the condition. Once properly diagnosed, a physician can determine the most effective sleep apnea treatment. Not only will these treatments help your sleeping, they may also promote better overall health and energy. There are many treatment options available so no one has to suffer in vain any longer.

Find out the best sleep apnea cures for you and take action.

Do you suspect you or a loved one may have sleep apnea?

If you snore, find yourself constantly waking up at night short of breath or can't stay awake during the day, you may have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a serious medical condition that is often ignored and goes untreated with dangerous consequences.

If this sounds like you, you and your family don't have to suffer any longer. Effective sleep apnea cures are available. Check out my free report on sleep apnea machines that can solve your problem.

So, don't wait because sleep apnea treatment is available now.

